Posted on January 6, 2002 at 9:50 pm | No Comments
Y’know, it’s crazy how quickly a week goes by when you have a job. Well, when you have a job that actually gives you work to do, that is. The workday disappears and the desire to type on a keyboard when you get home disappears right along with it. So here I am on a Sunday night while Alias and the X-Files are heading straight to videotape, and Amie is in the bedroom watching Sex and the City (no thank you).
Some background: When I first moved into this place, I discovered our upstairs neighbors had the horrible habit of going downstairs below our kitchen and smoking up a storm. Yup, our kitchen fills with smoke because they don’t want their own place to smell like it. Bitches. We could hear every stupid word that came out of their smelly, brown-stained mouths. So loud. Well, one call to the landlord took care of that problem.
Flash forward to earlier this evening: Upstairs freaks are downstairs again, flapping their gums, making some plans. You see… I sort of cleaned the area they used to smoke in. Big mistake. The words I heard them speak: “Y’know, this area would be great if we put a rug down and ran an extension cord from the kitchen. Yeah, that’d work out real nice.”
Well, uh… no it won’t, you vile, flabby whores.
I just finished cleaning it even more, moving some of my stuff into the area. Marking the territory. Just let ’em try. They already have us under seige from above, they will not take our lower flank. I don’t want to have to resort to the landlord again (makes me feel like a rat), so hopefully a little fortification will avoid it. Or maybe they were
just talking out of their oversized asses and nothing will come of it. We’ll see.
Ok, enough of that negative stuff. They cannot break me.
Link time!
My boss hooked me up with this site for the latest security news. Sweet.
The Excruciating Records of Morgan Chase
Morgan randomly emailed me and told me the coolest story of coincidence, music, love, and things in common. Go visit him.
Hairy situations
Apparantly I’ve jumped on a beard trend. Al Gore, Me, Tom McManamon, Bledsoe. Sheesh. Get on the beard train, everyone! Well, ok, not everyone. Stay away from the train, ladies.
Ok, time to hit the hay. Snowstorm tonight. Well, so they say. I know it’ll end up being just rain. Liars. Hopefully I’ll find time to write sooner than next weekend. And I’m sure all of you will be holding your breath waiting. Yeah.
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