Posted on February 6, 2002 at 8:14 am | No Comments
Well, here we are. Over a week later. I am Blog-tardy. What can I say? Same old excuses… busy at work, don’t want to touch the computer at home. I need to get into a rhythm… some kind of daily Blog ritual.
Beware. This morning, I am going to Rant for a bit.
If you check out Matt’s Blog, you’ll find a little recounting of the rock and roll weekend that the band just had. Rather than rehash the details, I will say this… I have reached new levels of smoke-induced anger. I have never liked smoking, but I’ve tried hard to not let it impact my judgement of people. I have friends who smoke, lots of ’em… and while I don’t understand the appeal of sucking down death, of actively striving for inevitable pain and suffering… it’s something I can deal with. Hell, playing in a band, and in rock clubs… I don’t have much of a choice.
But I feel that changing. My patience for this foolish habit is wearing thin. Why should my friends be made sick just because we want to play music for people? Why should Amie be forced to make a choice between staying home when I go out (and breathing fresh air), or having to tolerate the clouds of nastiness at Charlie’s? I’m so tired of waking up with the smell of it in my hair and my clothes. But there’s really nothing I can do, is there?
ok, rant over.
So… Amie and I got a treadmill yesterday. It’s amazing. Costco had this crazy online deal for $250 off an already good price… but they oversold them. So what did they do? Free upgrade! A $2000 treadmill for $700. Very sweet.
Let me get this off my chest: I have become a ‘Boston Sports Fan’. What this means, I do not know. I am not obsessive about stats or schedules, but I must admit that since I moved here 4 years ago… I have been slowly pulled in. Yes, there are the mood swings, the letdowns, the high-hopes to the low expectations and back again. It’s a dilemma, because the ‘typical’ sports fan is not someone I’d want to hang around. And part of me sees the hype and hoopla as silly… y’know, the ‘it’s just a game’ mentality.
But when I’m watching a great game on TV, be it baseball, basketball, or football… I get pretty wrapped up in it. It captivates me. It’s just a damn good time, and a great escape.
Case in point… the freakin’ Superbowl! I mean, that was a game. This whole town is in still in shock over the fact that we won it. I’m right there with them. Went to the parade yesterday, along with 1.2 million other folks, and felt a sense of community, of pure mob-joy, that I’ve never experienced before. I’ve never seen so many Bostonites smiling. Total, unbridled, unfiltered happiness. And all because of a sports team? Yup. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
This article sums it up pretty perfectly. It’s a long one, but it’s worth it.
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