The ‘Nac Presents: Film School @ TTs on 4/28 (free tix + merch)
Posted on April 23, 2008 at 4:23 pm | No Comments

In just a few days, on Monday night, April 28th, I’m seriously proud to be part of the first-ever “Bradley’s Almanac presents…” show at TT the Bears in Cambridge. The three-band bill is headlined by San Francisco quintet Film School, who released one of my favorite discs of last year in “Hideout”. Joining them are a couple of my favorite Boston bands: my pals in The Broken River Prophet (whose soon-to-be-heard debut album is killer), along with quartet The Douglas Fir (who are hard at work on a follow-up to the excellent “When This Wears Off”).

film school
So what does “presenting” a show involve, exactly? Well, aside from being a fan of all three bands and highly recommending your attendance, as well as selecting all the between-set music you’ll hear that night, I’ll also be giving away a bunch of stuff: Two pairs of tickets to the show (see below) and some Film School merch, along with a couple hundred (yes, you read that right) compacts discs. Y’see, I’ll be using this opportunity to do some spring cleaning, hanging at the merch table and handing out tons of promo items that I either don’t have room for, don’t dig (but you might), or have doubles of. There’s some gold to be found in this huge pile next to my desk, so I figured it was high time to spread the wealth.

the douglas fir
Wanna go? Buy advance tickets here, or if you’re feeling particularly lucky, send an email to giveaways[at]bradleysalmanac[dot]com (subject: Free Film School!) before midnight this Friday, April 25th. I’ll pick two random names, and not only will each of those winners get their name (and a friend’s) on the guest list, but each will get a copy of Film School’s “Hideout” disc and an autographed FS poster as well. The fortunate recipients will be notified on Saturday morning, and I should mention that all this good stuff is courtesy of the Beggars Group, who are also providing some of the giveaways I’ll be passing out at the show.

the broken river prophet
Here’s an Mp3 from each band, including the world (wide web) premiere of a song from The Broken River Prophet’s upcoming debut release. The track is “She Gives Me Hope“, and the disc is titled “With Infinite Arms To Cradle The Flames”, due out within the next month or two. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my preview copy, and it’s one of the best albums to come out of this town in a long while. This song spotlights the co-vocals of Deb and Adam, some great mandolin work from Eric, and the ace rhythm section of Marty and Ryan Rex, Adam’s bandmates from Lockgroove. Also contributing some keyboard work is Michael Hutcherson from Tiny Amps. Enjoy…
Mp3: The Broken River Prophet – “She Gives Me Hope“
Film School has a new video out for the track “Dear Me“, directed by James Sumner (who has also done work for Deerhunter and Dirty Projectors), and plans to share videos soon on their MySpace page. The band just played a bunch of dates with British Sea Power (free downloadable tour EP here), and following the TTs show they’ll continue on their Spring headlining tour, which finishes up on May 12th in Los Angeles. After a quick break, they’ll team up with Swervedriver to open up on a bunch of their West Coast reunion shows. Hell of a double bill. All of those Film School tourdate details can be found here.
So send off those giveaway entry emails, and be sure to introduce yourself if you make it out to the show. I’ll be easy to spot: Grin on face, beer in hand, and a pile of free cds in front of me. Come and get ’em.
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