Bradley’s Almanac

[Nac Faves] My Favorite Music of 2020

Posted on December 31, 2021 at 11:45 am | No Comments

No, that is not a typo. It really is supposed to say ‘2020’ up there and not ‘2021’. It’s my laughably late, overlong list of long-players I loved last year. I’d say “embarrassingly” late, but I’m way past caring about timeliness, just that it gets done before the current calendar ends. Besides, “laughably” has that whole alliteration thing going for it.

So last year was a loooong one. You know why. And I listened to a lot of music. More than ever, maybe? Comfort sounds, constantly. All the money I saved not going to shows? Bought more records, mostly mail-order, and lots of them thanks to the semi-regular Bandcamp Fridays. It really felt like too many LPs arrived then quickly disappeared straight into the ether. Without touring, the accompanying local press (if such a thing even exists anymore), and the much-missed in-person chats among music-loving pals, attention seems to move on to the next thing faster than ever. The online churn ever-increasing. Releasing an album during these times can be a scary thing (and that’s not even factoring in the ongoing vinyl-pressing delays). As always, but this year more pointedly, my faves run-down is a gentle attempt to direct some light back on some things you may have missed.

What follows is an alphabetical list of some LPs, EPs, reissues, and a few web-only releases that sustained me during 2020. A year unlike any other. I’ve never ranked the things I love, as relative positioning of art is folly, and my moods change on a whim. Hell, just whittling down this list to a reasonable length was tough enough. Obviously.

I’ve included label links for as-direct-as-possible physical purchasing if you’re so inspired (be inspired!), along with an embedded song for (almost) everything listed. I also pulled together (i.e. obsessed over the order of) a playlist, so those of you who subscribe to a certain hell-spawned streaming service can listen while you’re scrolling. Or save it for later, after you TLDR and move along.

I’ve been pulling these lists for together two decades now, and they live here: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 & 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, & 2001.

If you’ve got spare reading time, instead of those old posts, hit up these way-more-timely run-downs of last year’s high points from respected friends: Kumar’s Blizznog, Bryan’s “Proclamation Tracks” over at AGP, Allston Pudding’s Staff Picks & Local Faves, and Chris Porter’s 10 faves.

Alright, on to the business. I’ve included a bit of text for the LPs, maybe some info if the bands have released new music in the meantime (and that’s a lot of meantime). If any of it grabs you, keep an eye out for the next Bandcamp Friday (days when all of their fees are waived in support of the artists, and on which many donate their cut to worthy causes) and maybe pick up something then.

And with this done, I can officially start working on my 2021 post. Yeeesh. Thanks for reading, and may 2022 bring you only good things. Or at least fewer not-good things.

‘Nac Faves of 2020 – Spotify playlist

My Favorite LPs of 2020

Alex the Astronaut

“The Theory of Absolutely Nothing”

[ on Nettwerk Records ]

Irresistibly catchy indie-pop from Australia’s Alexandra Lynn. A debut album stuffed with single-worthy songs, and plays at least four or five of ’em. A new song, “Growing Up”, was released last month.

[ Stream songs at Soundcloud / Buy the LP from a record store ]

Beach Bunny


[ on Mom & Pop Music ]

Beach Bunny have just released a new holiday song, “Christmas Caller”, which you can find right here.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from the band ]

Andy Bell

“The View From Halfway Down”

[ on Sonic Cathedral ]

The Ride guitarist/co-vocalist has released a few EPs since this full-length arrived, with non-album tracks, remixes, & acoustic versions.

[ Stream & buy the LP at Bandcamp ]

The Beths

“Jump Rope Gazers”

[ on On Carpark Records ]

The Beths released an excellent live recording back in September, the perfect primer for seeing them during their U.S. tour in 2022. So very psyched for their sold-out show at the Sinclair in January.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Carpark ]

Phoebe Bridgers


[ on Dead Oceans ]

She’s here, she’s there, she’s every-fuckin-where. 2020 sure felt like Phoebe Bridgers’ year. Every once in awhile someone who deserves it hits the big time.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Dead Oceans ]


“Echo Mine”

[ on Jealous Butcher ]

We were very fortunate to get a preview of some of this record when Tim Rutili & company played Kay’s place in Somerville back in 2019, and it did not disappoint. His live shows are the stuff of magic.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Jealous Butcher ]


“On Circles”

[ on Triple Crown ]

The pride of Beverly MA, remaining remarkably, consistently inspired after so many years together. Frontman Philip Jamieson recently shared a solo covers record on Bandcamp.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Triple Crown ]



[ on Dischord ]

Ian MacKaye returned in recorded form at last, in this trio alongside Amy Farina (The Evens/The Warmers) and his former Fugazi bandmate Joe Lally.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Dischord ]



[ on Silver Rocket ]

Thalia Zedek (Come, Uzi, Live Skull), Jason Sanford (Neptune), and Gavin McCarthy (Karate) gave us their second killer full-length.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Silver Rocket ]


“None Is (But Once Was)”

[ on Ernest Jenning ]

The news of Flower’s return was such a welcome surprise after 30 (!) years, and this record crushed the lofty expectations I had for it. Just crammed full of great songs, and the pandemic deprived most of us a chance to see the live versions. Was really hoping to make it to their cancelled dates with Sebadoh. Alas.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Ernest Jenning ]

Fontaines D.C.

“A Hero’s Death”

[ on Partisan Records ]

The remarkable sophomore record from this Dublin quintet. The band served up on of the best full-show lockdown livestreams of last year when they played Brixton Academy in late November, and also shared an excellent set recorded in Dublin as well.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Partisan ]

Kyle Forester

“Hearts In Gardens”

[ on ‘Tis So Referent Records ]

Kyle Forester (Crystal Stilts/Ladybug Transistor/Woods) gave us his second solo record, and has since shared an excellent, laid back cover of Leiber/Stoller’s “Poison Ivy” (popularized by the Coasters in the late-50s).

[ Stream & buy the LP via Bandcamp ]

Guided By Voices

“Mirrored Aztec”

[ on Rockathon Records ]

I could have put two or three other GBV-related releases on this list (not to mention the ‘hot freaks’ subscription series, mentioned below), but I’ll settle on my fave of the bunch. Pollard is just a never-ending fountain of sonic joy.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Rockathon ]



[ on Earth Analog Records/Polyvinyl ]

This album appeared out of nowhere and absolutely blew my mind. I had no idea that a new Hum record was even in the works, so there was no lead-up, no anticipation, just a simple “here it is” from the band. Amazing.

The sudden loss of their incredible drummer, Bryan St. Pere, not long after its release, was just crushing. One of my favorite players, and it’s an understatement to say I was looking forward to seeing him smashing out these songs on a stage someday. Such a huge loss in a year of losses.

[ Stream & buy digitally at Bandcamp / Buy vinyl from Polyvinyl ]

Jetstream Pony

“Jetstream Pony”

[ on Shelflife (US) ]

After a string of singles & EPs, Jetstream Pony’s wonderful debut full-length arrived last year. Just a couple weeks ago they shared a six-song follow-up EP, “Misplaced Words”.

[ Stream & buy at Bandcamp ]

Will Johnson

“El Capitan”

[ on Keeled Scales ]

Another ace solo LP from Will Johnson, who can write no wrongs in my book. The recent reunion show (and plans for more) by his band Centro-matic has me positively giddy.

[ Stream & buy at at Bandcamp / Grab vinyl from Keeled Scales ]


“Dream or Don’t Dream”

[ on Darla Records ]

Cross one off the wishlist: I finally got a chance to see Kestrels play live when they came down from Halifax for some dates opening for Mr. Bob Mould, including here at the Paradise in Boston. One of my first indoor, all-masked, crammed-crowd experiences since this whole shitshow started, so yeah, it was weird. And yet, it ruled.

[ Buy direct from Darla ]

Kiwi Jr.

“Football Money”

[ on Mint Records ]

It’s been long enough since this Toronto quartet released “Football Money”, their debut record, in January 2020, that they’ve already released the full-length follow-up, “Cooler Returns”. That arrived in January 2021, so does that mean we’ll get a third next month? I’ll take it.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Mint Records ]



[ on Exploding In Sound ]

Knot, filling the hole left by Krill’s absence. I’ll follow Jonah Furman & his bandmates wherever they go.

[ Stream it at Bandcamp / Buy direct from EiS ]

Emma Kupa

“It Will Come Easier”

[ on Fika Recordings ]

Emma’s first solo full-length, after many years of making music in bands I utterly adore (Standard Fare, Mammoth Penguins, Suggested Friends). It’s been my absolute honor to have recorded some songs with her, and hopes are high that you’ll get to hear them before too much longer 🙂

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Fika ]

Land of Talk

“Indistinct Conversations”

[ on Saddle Creek ]

So grateful that Elizabeth Powell’s musical return in 2017 (with the excellent “Life After Youth” LP) has seen her stick around for more. “Indistinct Conversations” contained what may be my most-listened to track of 2020 in the gorgeous “Compelled“. She and her LoT bandmates have recently gifted us with another EP, “Calming Night Partner“.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Saddle Creek ]

Lo Tom


[ self-released via Bandcamp ]

The second (and final?) LP from this veritable supergroup of a band, and it’s an absolutely unabashed arena rock record. Trey Many, Jason Martin, TW Walsh, & David Bazan. Giant riffs, shimmering keys, powerful drums… immaculate production that just begs to be played loud. Shame we’ll probably never get to see these songs played from a stage. Who wants to start a Lo Tom cover band?

[ Stream & buy direct at Bandcamp ]

The Luxembourg Signal

“The Long Now”

[ on Shelflife ]

My brain keeps thinking that the Luxembourg Signal is a “new” band, and suddenly they’re on their 3rd full-length in 7 years. Time is weird! Each record is ace in its own way, but this one feels like my fave of them all. Psyched to see they’re working on new songs.

[ Stream & buy the LP at Bandcamp ]



[ on Fire Talk ]

The excellent debut LP from this Atlanta-via-Austin-via-LA quartet, which followed a series of singles and a 2018 EP. In the handful of bands who released great records in 2020 that I’ve actually been able to see perform its songs in front of me, they may be the most appreciated (see also: Slow Pulp).

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Fire Talk ]

Mint Mile


[ on Comedy Minus One ]

I figure as long as Tim Midyett (Silkworm/Bottomless Pit) keeps making records, they’ll keep ending up on these lists.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from C-1 ]

Jason Molina

“Eight Gates”

[ on Secretly Canadian ]

“Eight Gates” is the final collection of solo studio material that JM recorded before his passing. Eight years gone. Never forgotten.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Secretly Canadian ]


“Self Worth”

[ on Captured Tracks ]

The Spanish band’s first record as a trio after parting ways with their original drummer, and my personal favorite so far. Absolutely cannot wait until I get a chance to see them on a stage.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Captured Tracks ]

Nada Surf

“Never Not Together”

[ on Barsuk Records ]

Another set of heart-on-sleeve songs from Caws & company, one that took a little longer than I expected to resonate with me, but once it did, it got in deep. “Just Wait” has become one of my all-time Nada Surf faves. The band has since released a companion collection called “Cycle Through” that includes outtakes & alternate versions.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Barsuk ]

New Dog

“The Songs of Townes Van Zandt”

[ self-released via Bandcamp ]

Former Metal Hearts/Travels co-founder (and now former-Bostonian) Anar Badalov continues his solo output as New Dog with this super-limited 10-inch of TVZ covers. His latest project is ARANANAR, a collaboration with Adam “Aran” Nenadál that they call “a collection of odes and laments to the borderlands of the Czech Republic”. Their debut full-length arrives in just a few days, and you can listen to three tracks over at Bandcamp.

[ Listen & buy at Bandcamp ]


“Things I Never Said”

[ on Polyvinyl ]

Elise Okusami’s stunning debut, and seeing her band is high on my list of future hopes. I got shut out of their recent stop at the Paradise, opening for Slaughter Beach, Dog & Jeff Rosenstock (sold out so fast!), but fingers crossed a headlining show happens nearby in 2022. Y’know, virus willing.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Polyvinyl ]

Gary Olson

“Gary Olson”

[ on Tapete Records ]

Ladybug Transistor founder, Marlborough Farms studio chief, and traveling trumpeteer Gary Olson’s very first solo record, concocted partly at his own Brooklyn space and partly in Norway. He has since released a stand-alone digital single, “A House in Provence”, which hopefully portends another LP not too far down the road.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Tapete ]

Peel Dream Magazine

“Agitprop Arena”

[ on Slumberland Records ]

There’s a like a 90% chance that any new Slumberland release will end up on this list. Such is Papa Slumber’s sky-high batting average. PDM’s second full-length flaunts its influences openly, but what perfect influences they are.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Slumberland ]

Joe Pernice


[ on Ashmont Records ]

One of two full-lengths this prolific Pernice brother released in 2020 (the other being an inspired Barry Manilow tribute), and its arrival coincided with some semi-regular Instagram live streams. Hearing him play these songs in that setting so often really allowed them to burrow down deep. Up next from JP is another Pernice Brothers full-length in 2022.

[ Stream & buy the LP via Bandcamp ]



[ self-released via Bandcamp ]

Pop-rock perfection from Philly’s finest. A series of stellar singles heralded this self-titled debut LP, and did it ever measure up. Not just right up my alley, but a dead-on, 10-pin takedown.

[ Stream & buy via Bandcamp ]

Porridge Radio

“Every Bad”

[ on Secretly Canadian ]

I’d been regrettably unaware of Porridge Radio until this record, so “Every Bad” was a revelation. Dana Margolin & company have since released three singles, and most recently, a Sub Pop 7-inch with Wolf Parade & Shins covers.

[ Stream it at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Secretly Canadian ]

Pure X

“Pure X”

[ on Fire Talk Records ]

Somehow a six year gap between records turned Pure X from a band I kinda like into a band I absolutely love. This self-titled LP, their fourth, completely clicked for me. They followed it up a few months later with “Rare Ecstasy: 2009-2019”, a collection of b-sides, demos, & covers.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Fire Talk ]

Shell of a Shell

“Away Team”

[ on Exploding In Sound ]

Another killer release from Exploding In Sound, a fantastic full-length that follows SoaS’s 2018 debut EP. And yes, another band I would probably have seen a couple times by now in the alternate universe where the world is not a touring band’s total nightmare.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from EiS ]

Slaughter Beach, Dog

“At the Moonbase”

[ on Lame-O Records ]

A little late to the SBD boat, which is weird because I dug Modern Baseball, but glad to finally be on board. Next time they come to town, I’m buyin’ my tickets early.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Lame-O ]

Slow Pulp


[ on Winspear Records ]

I had the pure pleasure of seeing Slow Pulp a few weeks back, and it’s been a very, very long time since I’ve experienced such a complete love-fest between audience & band. Just absolute joy from the crowd, myself included, and singer/guitarist Emily Massey’s constant on-stage smiling showed that she felt it all. The band has released a couple of singles since “Moveys” (their first full-length), an original called “Shadow”, and a studio recording of their show-closing Sum 41 cover.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Winspear ]


“A Strange Dream”

[ on Slumberland Records ]

Like I said above, if it’s on Slumberland, it’s probably on here. Produced by the Clean’s David Kilgour, Smokescreens’ third full long-player is jangle-pop at its finest. There are moments when I believe album-closer “I Love Only You” is my favorite song of the year.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Slumberland ]

Squirrel Flower

“I Was Born Swimming”

[ on Polyvinyl ]

Even if she’s no longer living in Boston, I’d still like to pretend she’s ours, just as a point of absolute pride. “I Was Born Swimming” is such a fully-realized debut full-length, and she’s already released another great one with “Planet (i)”, which arrived on Polyvinyl in June. She’s also got a new EP showing up in late January.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Polyvinyl ]

Suburban Living

“How To Be Human”

[ on EggHunt Records ]

Wesley Bunch’s third album, and his most electro-leaning record yet. The guitars are still very much there, the knack for shimmering melodies remains, but the production has jumped up a notch. He’s found that retro-futuristic sweet spot that bands like M83 mine so well.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from EggHunt ]


“Death Is The Best Thing For You Now”

[ on Keroleen Records ]

I can pinpoint the exact moment I discovered, and got completely hooked on, Jake Popyura’s Supermilk: A live-streamed virtual release party that Happy Accidents hosted for their latest (last?) LP. Jake was one of their guests, and about halfway through his solo version of “Agony Anne“, he had me. He’s already got another ace full-length out, “Four by Three”, that arrived over the summer.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Keroleen ]

Throwing Muses

“Sun Racket”

[ on Fire Records ]

The fact that Throwing Muses are still releasing records this good after 30-something years is both surprising and completely not surprising at the same time.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Fire ]

The Very Most

“Needs Help”

[ on on Lost Sound Tapes> and Kocliko Records ]

Of all the Very Most releases that indiepop-lifer Jeremy Jensen has given us, this one is my very mostest favorite. Joined by a crack team of golden-voiced guest vocalists, it plays like the most cohesive pop mixtape you’ve ever heard.

[ Stream at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Lost Sound or Kocliko ]

Young Jesus

“Welcome to Conceptual Beach”

[ on Saddle Creek ]

After their 2018 “The Whole Thing Was Just There” LP put them on my radar, and their live set later that year (opening for Ian Sweet at Great Scott/RIP) utterly blew me away, I can’t hear new Young Jesus without picturing the songs coming at me from a stage. Spending so much time with this record and not getting that in-person payoff is a promise unfulfilled.

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Saddle Creek ]

A Few Favorite 2020 EPs & Singles


“Barrels” EP

[ on Arctic Rodeo Recordings ]

[ Stream the EP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Arctic Rodeo ]

Brief Candles

“Tape Deck” single

[ via Bandcamp ]

[ Stream & buy at Bandcamp ]

The Loyal Seas

“Strange Mornings in the Garden” debut 7-inch

[ on American Laundromat ]

[ Sold out at ALR, but full-length coming in 2022 ]

Peel Dream Magazine

“Moral Panics” EP

[ on Slumberland Records ]

[ Stream it at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Slumberland ]


“High-Rise Mannequins” EP

[ on Emotional Response ]

[ Stream it at Bandcamp / Buy from Emotional Response ]

Slow Soak

“Freedom From Happiness” EP

[ on Waterfall of Colours ]

[ Stream it on Spotify / Buy direct from Waterfall of Colors ]

Wye Oak with the Brooklyn Youth Chorus

“No Horizon” EP

[ on Merge Records ]

[ Stream it at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Merge ]

Some Favorite 2020 Re-Issues

The Lucksmiths

“A Good Kind of Nervous”

reissue/first time on vinyl

[ on Lost & Lonesome ]

[ Stream the LP at Bandcamp / Buy direct from Lost & Lonesome ]

New Order

“Power, Corruption, & Lies”

Definitive Edition Box Set

[ on Rhino ]

[ Buy direct from Rhino or from the band ]

Pale Saints

“The Comforts of Madness”

30th anniversary vinyl release

[ on 4AD ]

[ Buy direct from 4AD ]


“Please To Meet Me”

Deluxe Edition reissue

[ on Rhino ]

[ Buy direct from Rhino ]

Jonathan Richman

“I, Jonathan”

reissue/first time on vinyl

[ on Craft Recordings ]

[ Buy direct from Craft Recordings ]

Elliott Smith

“Elliott Smith”

Expanded 25th Anniversary Edition

[ on Kill Rock Stars ]

[ Buy direct from KRS ]

Yo La Tengo


25th Anniversary vinyl reissue

[ on Matador Records ]

[ Buy direct from Matador ]

A Few Favorite 2020
Digital-Only Releases

Guided By Voices

“Hot Freaks” weekly subscription club

[ from Rockathon ]

Tanya Donelly

“Sunday Series” digital singles

[ via Bandcamp ]


“Goodbye For Now” digital LP

[ via Bandcamp ]


“6.19.20” digital EP

[ via Bandcamp ]

And there it is. Consider my bloggers-block officially behind me. Support your favorite artists, now more than ever. And try not to let the bastards get you down.


Comments are closed.

    Saturday, September 7th
    Marika Hackman
    Art School Girlfriend
    @ the Sinclair

    Sunday, September 8th
    Paul Weller
    @ House of Blues

    Tuesday, September 10th
    Will Dailey's
    Boston Songwriters Showcase
    with Cliff Notez, Fabiola Mendez,
    Aaron Perrino, Abbie Barrett,
    James Rohr, Kemp Harris,
    & Samantha Farrell
    as part of Arrowfest
    @ Arrow St. Arts, Harvard Square

    Tuesday, September 10th
    @ Big Night Live

    Tuesday, September 10th
    Weezer (performing the Blue Album)
    with Dinosaur Jr.
    & The Flaming Lips
    @ the Garden

    Wednesday, September 11th
    Monterey Mountain
    @ the Square Root

    Wednesday, September 11th
    All That Remains
    @ the Pavilion

    Thursday, September 12th
    Band of Horses
    City and Colour
    @ Treehouse Brewing, Deerfield

    Thursday & Friday
    September 12th & 13th
    The Lemonheads
    @ the Paradise

    Friday, September 13th
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Friday, September 13th
    Janes Addiction
    Love & Rockets
    @ the Pavilion

    Friday, September 13th
    Boy George
    @ the Wang Theatre

    Friday, September 13th
    Hoodoo Gurus
    @ the Royale

    Saturday, September 14th
    Thousand Below
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, September 15th
    in Lowell, MA

    Sunday, September 15th
    Pet Fox
    @ Deep Cuts

    Sunday, September 15th
    @ the House of Blues

    Monday, September 16th
    Franz Nicolay presents his
    new book "Band People"
    interviewed by Ryan Walsh
    7pm @ Brookline Booksmith

    Monday, September 16th
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Monday, September 15th &
    Sunday, September 17th
    Pearl Jam
    @ Fenway Park

    Monday, September 18th
    PJ Harvey
    @ MGM Music Hall @ Fenway

    Monday, September 18th
    Ringo Starr & his All-Starr Band
    @ the Chevalier Theatre

    Tuesday, September 19th
    Pansy Division
    The Fatal Flaw
    Gene Dante & the Future Starlets
    @ Faces Brewing

    Saturday, September 21st
    The Rat Reunion: Celebrating The
    50th Anniversary of The Rathskeller
    @ the Bellforge Arts Center

    Sunday, September 22nd
    Sisters of Mercy
    Blaqk Audio
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Monday, September 23rd
    the farewell tour
    @ the Wilbur

    Monday, September 23rd
    Electric Light Orchestra
    The "Over and Out" Tour
    @ the TD Garden

    Tuesday, September 24th
    Writers reading.
    Songwriters singing.
    with authors
    Lynn Schmeidler &
    Catherine Newman
    and performers
    Dave Derby &
    Hilken Mancini
    with Melissa Gibbs
    @ the Burren Back Room

    Tuesday, September 24th
    English Teacher
    @ Roadrunner

    Wednesday, September 25th
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Wednesday, September 25th
    The Hives
    @ Roadrunner

    Thursday, September 26th
    The Armed
    Kumo 99
    DJ Haram
    @ the Royale

    Wednesday, September 27th
    Haasan Barclay
    Good Sleepy
    Trash Rabbit
    @ Deep Cuts

    Wednesday, September 27th
    Arto Vaun
    Drew O'Doherty
    @ Faces Brewing

    Wednesday, September 27th
    Laura Cantrell
    @ Club Passim

    Saturday, September 28th
    Queens of the Stone Age
    The Kills
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, September 28th
    Eddie Japan
    Lovina Falls
    Rozy and the Crisis
    @ Faces Brewing

    Saturday, September 28th
    Narrow Head
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, September 29th
    Hotline TNT
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Sunday, September 29th
    Soul Coughing
    @ Roadrunner

    Monday, September 30th
    The Softies
    @ Crystal Ballroom

    Monday, September 30th
    Death From Above 1979
    Teen Mortgage
    @ The Sinclair

    Monday, September 30th
    Brittany Howard
    Michael Kiwanuka
    Yasmin Williams
    @ Roadrunner

    Wednesday, October 2nd
    Chromeo & the Midnight
    @ Roadrunner

    Wednesday, October 2nd
    The Psychedlic Furs
    The Jesus and Mary Chain
    Frankie Rose
    @ the Orpheum

    Thursday, October 3rd
    Graham Nash
    Judy Collins
    @ the Shubert Theater

    Thursday, October 3rd
    The Lemon Twigs
    @ Crystal Ballroom

    Thursday, October 3rd
    The Get Up Kids
    "Something To Write Home About"
    25th anniversary tour
    with Smoking Popes
    @ Big Night Live

    Thursday & Friday
    October 3rd & 4th
    Sofi Tukker
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, October 4th
    Sting (trio)
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Friday, October 4th
    Beauty School Dropout
    Julia Wolf
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday, October 5th
    Marcy Playground
    Jimmie's Chicken Shack
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday, October 5th
    Dirty Art Club
    @ the House of Blues

    Saturday, October 5th
    Nada Surf
    Office Dog
    @ the Paradise

    Saturday, October 5th
    Neko Case
    @ the Chevalier Theatre

    Sunday, October 6th Lupe Fiasco
    @ Roadrunner

    Wednesday, October 9th
    Los Lobos
    @ the Cut

    Thursday, October 10th
    Lily Konigsberg
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Thursday, October 10th
    Low Cut Connie
    @ the Sinclair

    Thursday, October 10th
    Johnny Marr
    @ the Orpheum

    Friday, October 11th
    Chinese Football
    @ the Rockwell

    Friday, October 11th
    Eldridge Rodriguez
    Bird Language (release show!)
    Bad at Drawing
    Pleasure Island
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, October 11th
    Yard Act
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, October 11th
    Billie Eilish
    @ the Garden

    Saturday, October 12th
    Chris Brokaw Rock Band
    with Sky Furrows
    @ the Lilypad

    Sunday, October 13th
    Fontaines D.C.
    Been Stellar
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, October 13th
    Wesley Stace
    @ Club Passim

    Sunday, October 13th
    @ the House of Blues

    Monday, October 14th
    The Hypos
    Sloppy Heads
    Daughter of the Vine
    @ The Rockwell

    Monday, October 14th
    Tigers Jaw
    @ the Royale

    Tuesday, October 15th
    playing "Moon Safari
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday, October 16th
    Illuminati Hotties
    @ The Sinclair

    Wednesday, October 16th
    Empress Of
    @ the Paradise

    Wednesday, October 16th
    Orville Peck
    Nikki Lane
    Vincent Neil Emerson
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday & Thursday
    October 16th & 17th
    Nick Lowe with
    Los Straitjackets
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Thursday, October 17th
    @ the Middle East Downstairs

    Thursday, October 17th
    Maggie Rogers
    Ryan Beatty
    @ the Garden

    Saturday, October 19th
    Kingsley Flood
    Magen Tracy &
    the Missed Connections
    @ the Burren Backroom

    Saturday, October 19th
    John Douglas
    (of Trashcan Sinatras)
    @ City Winery

    Saturday, October 19th
    The The
    @ the Orpheum

    Saturday, October 19th
    Rival Schools
    Webbed Wing
    Hollow Suns
    @ the Sinclair

    Saturday, October 19th
    Todd Rundgren
    @ the Lynn Auditorium

    October, October 20th
    They Are Gutting a Body of Water
    Her New Knife
    @ the Paradise

    Monday, October 21st
    @ the Paradise

    Tuesday, October 22nd
    MJ Lenderman & the Wind
    Ryan Davis & the Roadhouse Band
    @ the Royale

    Wednesday, October 23rd
    Beach Weather
    @ The Sinclair

    Wednesday, October 23rd
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Wednesday, October 23rd
    @ the Royale

    Wednesday, October 23rd
    Massive Attack
    (with Liz Fraser!)
    DJ Milo
    @ Roadrunner

    Thursday, October 24th
    Otis Shanty
    Lost Film
    Small Pond
    Night Moth
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Friday, October 25th
    Moving Targets
    The Long Wait
    @ the Middle East Up

    Saturday, October 26th
    Fog Lake
    Foxes in Fiction
    @ the Lilypad

    Saturday, October 26th
    Cyndi Lauper
    farewell tour
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, October 27th
    @ the Sinclair

    Monday & Tuesday
    October 28th & 29th
    Alice Phoebe Lou
    @ Roadrunner

    Tuesday, October 29th
    Robyn Hitchcock
    Imogen Clark
    @ City Winery

    Wednesday, October 30th
    Gang of Four
    with the Mini-Mekons
    (Sally Timms & Jon Langford)
    Wednesday, October 30th
    André 3000:
    New Blue Sun Live In Concert
    @ the Wang

    Wednesday, October 30th
    The Go! Team
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, November 1st
    The Dresden Dolls
    Gogol Bordello
    Johnny Manchild
    & the Poor Bastards
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday, November 2nd
    The Dresden Dolls
    Gogol Bordello
    Emperor Norton's
    Stationary Marching Band
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday through Sunday
    November 1st - 3rd
    Buffalo Tom's
    "Please Come To Boston" minifestival
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Sunday, November 3rd
    The Juliana Hatfield Three
    @ the Sinclair

    Sunday, November 3rd
    Dawn Richard & Spencer Zahn
    @ the ICA

    Sunday & Monday
    November 3rd & 4th
    Leon Bridges
    Hermanos Gutiérrez
    @ Roadrunner

    Wednesday, November 6th
    @ Crystal Ballroom

    Wednesday, November 6th
    The Wallflowers
    @ the Wilbur

    Friday, November 8th
    Hilken Mancini Band
    (record release party!)
    with The Cujo (ft. Jen Trynin)
    & Mary Lou Lord with
    special guests to be announced!
    @ Sonia

    Saturday, November 9th
    Greg Hawkes (of the Cars)
    with Eddie Japan
    performing the songs of
    The Cars
    @ the Cut

    Saturday, November 9th
    Dead Leaf Echo
    Gretchen Shae & The Middle Eight
    @ the Middle East Upstairs

    Sunday, November 10th
    Judge John Hodgman: Road Court
    @ Coolidge Corner Theatre

    Sunday, November 10th
    David Cross
    Sean Patton
    @ the Royale

    Sunday, November 10th
    Slow Pulp
    Free Range
    @ the Paradise

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    November 12th & 13th
    Adrianne Lenker (Big Thief)
    @ the Shubert Theatre

    Friday, November 15th
    Hallelujah the Hills perform
    "I'm You" in its entirety
    Upper Wilds & Sidebody
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, November 15th
    @ the Sinclair

    Saturday, November 16th
    Kal Marks
    Paper Lady
    @ Deep Cuts

    Saturday, November 16th
    Tokyo Police Club (the final tour)
    @ the Paradise

    Sunday, November 17th
    Chat Pile
    @ the Sinclair

    Tuesday, November 19th
    Modest Mouse
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Thursday, November 21st
    Horse Jumper of Love
    Spencer Radcliffe & Everything
    Primal Rat Screw
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, November 22nd
    Winnetka Bowling League
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, November 22nd
    Amy Helm
    (full band show)
    @ the Cut

    Friday, November 22nd
    Yoke Lore
    @ the Royale

    Saturday, November 23rd
    Godspeed You! Black Emperor
    Alan Sparhawk (of Low)
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday, November 23rd
    J Mascis
    @ the Sinclair

    Sunday, December 1st
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, December 1st
    Gillian Welch &
    David Rawlings
    @ the Wilbur

    Wednesday, December 4th
    The Ladybug Transistor
    Mark Robinson (Unrest/Air Miami)
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, December 6th
    Mike Viola
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Friday, December 6th
    BEAT plays the music
    of 80s King Crimson
    featuring Adrian Belew, Steve Vai,
    Tony Levin, & Danny Carey
    @ the Lynn Auditorium

    Thursday, December 12th
    The Jesus Lizard
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, December 13th
    Suki Waterhouse
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, December 15th
    Tiny Moving Parts
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Tuesday, December 31st
    Aerosmith (farewell tour)
    with the Black Crowes
    @ TD Garden

    Friday, January 31st
    Half Waif
    See You At The Maypole
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Friday, January 31st
    Frank Black & his band
    play "Teenager of the Year"
    @ the House of Blues

    Saturday, February 15th
    @ the Royale

    Friday, February 28th
    The Bevis Frond
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Thursday, March 20th
    Neil Degrasse Tyson
    @ the Wilbur

    Tuesday, April 15th
    Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
    St. Vincent
    @ Agganis Arena

    Friday, April 18th
    Bright Eyes
    @ House of Blues

    Friday & Saturday
    April 25th & 26th
    The Town and the City Festival!
    @ various venues in Lowell

    Monday, July 7th
    @ House of Blues