[Live MP3s] Seam in Montreal 1993
Posted on October 17, 2005 at 1:51 pm | 3 Comments
Every once in awhile I’ll load up one of Seam’s albums and remember just how much I miss hearing new music from singer/guitarist Sooyoung Park. It’s been 7 years since their fourth and last album, and a couple years since they were on a stage (their ‘final’ show was supposedly in 2000, then they reunited for a small HHH tour and a memorial show in 2003). As far as I know, Sooyoung’s only output since has been playing guitar and keyboards with the band ee since 2001, although they, too, have been dormant for awhile.
There’s been no Seam news for ages, the official fansite is getting dusty, and the label-hosted pages haven’t been updated in years. I keep holding out hope that Sooyoung is still writing his own stuff, seven years spent collecting songs for release, maybe working on a new band to help him play out. In this 1999 interview, he talks about juggling priorities, and I really hope that his own music hasn’t gotten lost in the shuffle.
Going through my old live tapes, I found this one of the first time I ever saw Seam, just after the release of their second (and my favorite) album, ‘The Problem With Me‘. A Friday night in November ’93, over the border from Burlington, Vermont up to Montreal, and too many beers at a place called the Woodstock Bar. They were opening for the Mekons (who I sadly had no familiarity with at the time, and we had to drive home anyway), and it was, until that point, one of the best shows I’d ever seen. All of us who made the trip were huge Seam fans, and guilty of being perhaps a tad over-enthusiastic during the set (no, I don’t think you can hear my voice on these recordings, but friends will recognize at least two of the drunkards you can hear)…
live at the Woodstock Bar
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Friday, November 5th, 1993

“Nous sommes le group Seam…”
1. Rafael
2. Something’s Burning
3. Stage 2000
4. Dust & Turpentine
5. Decatur
6. Kernel
7. Sweet Pea
8. Bunch
9. Sky City
10. Road to Madrid
11. Granny 9X
This set was recorded from the audience on an old cassette recorder, and while I’ve done my best to clean up the audio, it’s obviously not going to measure up to other stuff I’ve been offering up lately. Still, for memories alone, I’m glad I finally got it converted.

Next week: Stellar live sets from Chris Brokaw and The Dirty Three, who played at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts last night. I’m still floating from the show, and can’t wait to share it up, but I’ve got a lot of audio-editing to do first…
3 Responses to “[Live MP3s] Seam in Montreal 1993”
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May 7th, 2017 @ 12:47 am
Hello there, please consider re posting this Seam concert. There are getting so hard to find now. Thanks.
May 7th, 2017 @ 3:16 pm
My pleasure. They’ve now been reposted.
May 28th, 2017 @ 1:19 am
Thank you so much for putting them back up! I really appreciate it very much! This a great show they did and I’m glad I have a copy of it to listen to now. Anyways, thanks again!