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the also-rans

show diary

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the fourth show

rock show #4

saturday, august 11th, 2001
at o'brien's in allston


the jack mccoys and the scott farkus affair


glass jaw, versus us, just go, chapter three,
resignation letter, the bright side, aggregate

(last 3 songs had mary singin
g with us for the 1st time!)


$1.00 for bud.  all yours, den.  sierra nevada and
amstel for the rest.
(did matt even drink anything?)   brad's beer equation did not compute.  needed to subtract one from the grand total.


our first show with mary...and she was right on.  the rest of us were kinda loose, though.  but still a fun set.  again, our friends show up and give us the best crowd of the night.  thank you, friends.

quote of    
the night    

mystery man: "i want you guys to start in 10 minutes...and don't forget to HAVE FUN up there!"
brad & denny:  <blank stares>

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