to the 'nac

Chris Kelly, Mary Saunders,
Matt Saunders, Denny Donovan, & me.
the online archive of my last band
(2000-2002). a bunch of free mp3s,
a complete live show diary, lots of photos, and more.
starlight conspiracy
Jan Tofferi, Shawn Flanigan, Denny Donovan, & me.
the in-progress online home of the band I
was in from 1994 to 1998.
every song we ever recorded is up there for download.
the four color manual
Colin Clary, Dan Scinta, & yours truly.
someday i'll get around to scanning in some pics, posting a
few mp3s,
and making a little site for this trio I was in from 1997 to 1998.
Mike Barrett, Jedd Kettler, Zach Ward, & me.
a trio that turned into a quartet that
turned into a mess. Mike Barrett
designed this little site, which will eventually include a bunch of mp3s.
Tim Lauben, Nick Nichols, & me.
a rock trio, and the second band I ever played in (1993 -
1994, i think).
again, there's no site ... but hopefully this
winter there will be.
Jan Tofferi, Bob Higgins, Nick Nichols, Jedd
Kettler, & me.
my very first band... a pop quartet that got a little louder when
joined up. the site is a placeholder, and will grow when i find the time.