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Starlight Conspiracy
discography & mp3 downloads

(complete 192kbps mp3 files)

4-Song Demo (cassette)

Released by Club Fub Records, Winter 1995.

Recorded at Eclipse Studios.

'Big Beautiful Drive-In'  (7")

Released By Catapult Records 1996

Recorded at Eclipse Studios

available direct from Club Fub Records

'Sounds Like A Silver Holler' (full length cd)

Released By Catapult Records 1997  (CAT009)

Recorded at Eclipse Studios.

'Sonic Tonic' (compilation cd)

Released By Big Heavy World Records 1996

Recorded at Eclipse Studios

Available at the B.H.W. website

'Splashed With Many A Speck'  (compilation cd)

Released By Dewdrops Records 1997

Recorded at Eclipse Studios

Available from Dewdrops Record's Web Site


'The Thrill Of Being Common' (compilation cd)

Released By North Of January Records - 1998

Recorded at Eclipse Studios

Available through North Of January


'Tonic Two' (compilation cd)

Released by Big Heavy World - June 19th, 1999

Recorded at Eclipse Studios

Available at the B.H.W. Website

'...my life or some dream?'  (compilation cd)

my life or some dream...

Released by club fub - June 9th, 2001

Available through club fub.



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