Billy Ruane’s Cambridge City Council Proclamation
Posted on October 31, 2010 at 10:34 am | No Comments
Yesterday was a rough one for everyone that was close to, or was in some way impacted by, our beloved Billy Ruane. The never-ending line to get into his wake was both wonderful and totally unsurprising, the impromptu New Orleans-style jazz band that set up on the corner outside was absolutely perfect, and the sound of Chris Brokaw’s gorgeous guitar playing inside the funeral home made it so much easier to bear.

Postcard design by the Middle East Restaurant. Send your favorite Billy memories
to meinfo at themideastclub dot com for their Billy Ruane Memorial
The gathering that brought the post-wake crowd to fill Middle East Upstairs and Zuzu was simultaneously celebratory, comforting, and chaotic (kinda like Billy himself). Details on more organized events are trickling out… after all, Billy’s birthday is comin’ right up.
This was sitting on the mantel of the Donovan-Aufiero Funeral Home during Billy’s wake, written by Cambridge City Councilor Kenneth E. Reeves…
Whereas: William J. “Billy” Ruane Jr. was a voluble and volatile presence on the Boston rock scene for three decades. And;
Whereas: Billy was an irrepressible scenester, ardent supporter of local music and tireless promoter. And;
Whereas: Billy died Tuesday October 26th, 2010 of a heart attack in front of his computer. And;
Whereas: Billy was manic, brilliant, and obsessive, obsessed with music from jazz to rock. And;
Whereas: Billy was usually seen wearing a sports jacket, an untucked white shirt, and a smile. He had a huge hug and wet kiss for all. And;
Whereas: Billy was usually drinking, buying drinks, buying out rock and jazz venues and bringing his entourage and buying all of the memorabilia and giving it to his friends. And;
Whereas: Billy was the man who came to Joseph and Nail Sater at the Middle East Restaurant in Central Square in 1987 and convinced them to present live music thereby opening up a new chapter in Boston music history. And;
Whereas: Billy’s death mark the end of an era, for the Boston rock and jazz scene, for Cambridge and all of us who loved him in Cambridge.
Whereas: That I, Cambridge City Councilor Kenneth E. Reeves, go on record offering condolences to the family and friends of Mr. William J. “Billy” Ruane and thanking him for his contributions to the City of Cambridge.
Signed this 30 day of October, 2010
Cambridge City Councilor Kenneth E. Reeves
Right on, Councilor Reeves.
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