Dunk the Vote : Go Adelina!
Posted on November 12, 2003 at 2:33 pm | No Comments
Ok, dear friends and anonymous readers, I need your help. There’s a vote going on, and you’re just a click away from helping to make someone’s day. Let me explain, and I’ll make it quick…
Every weekday morning on the way to work, I stop by the Back Bay T Station’s Dunkin’ Donuts counter for a large regular coffee. There are four lines to choose from, but only one leads to the magic hands of Adelina and Nouria, the dynamic dunkin’ duo. Doesn’t matter how much longer their line is, it’s always faster. Every time. Adelina pours, Nouria makes the change, and you’re outta there in no time. They’ve got coffee mixing and money taking down to an exact science, and they always have a kind word to say. Adelina’s recall is mind-boggling… she’s memorized what must be hundreds of people’s preferred size and mix, so if you’re a regular, you don’t even have to speak a word besides “Thanks!” to get your daily dose. If you’re late and stuck at the back of the line, sometimes a little flash of the cash will prompt her to stick your cup over the counter for a quick swap of the bills. She’s just amazing. Here she is on the left, with her cohort Nouria on the right…
So I ask for your help to let Adelina know how much she’s appreciated, how great she is at her job. If you don’t have a favorite Dunkies server of your own, then take my word on this and take a moment to click here. Fill in her name (the street will already be set as Dartmouth for ya) and cast a much-deserved vote for Adelina as ‘Favorite Coffee Server’. A $1,500 gift certificate is on the line, and maybe even free coffee for a year for you, just for voting.
Keep in mind, the vote is only open to residents of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, and you have to be at least 18 years old. If that’s you, then you can vote once a day, so stop by again if you can. And if you have a favorite server, find out their name next time you’re in line, and get with the clickin’.
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