Head Case : Tucker Max vs. Miss Vermont
Posted on June 3, 2003 at 12:57 pm | No Comments
Sit right back and you’ll read the tale, the tale of a mysoginistic drip, who met a supposedly vapid former beauty queen in a South Florida health club, and survived to recount the story of their sordid affair on his very own website…
… only to get a restraining order dropped on his ass, preventing him from writing a word about their relationship, or from linking to her own vomit-inducing website.
Yes, it’s the true and unsettling story of Tucker Max vs. Miss Vermont. Go take a look at this New York Times article, willya? Then come on back, y’hear?
(NOTE : You’ve read only, um, “non-sensitive” material so far. If you tread further, you’ll need to leave your delicate sensibilities behind. Beyond here lies dirty, dirty madness.)
Ok, it’s unsettling for a number of reasons…
First off, Mr. Tucker Max. Yeah, he’s an admittedly self-centered, egotistical, cheesy bastard. That much is known. His treatment of women is appalling, but hey, it’s not news. Just moderately pathetic. They guy’s obviously fairly intelligent, but more than a little misguided. I mean, check out his forum if you’ve got the time. Yikes.
Then there’s our plantiff, Miss Moved-To-Vermont-To-Become-Miss-Vermont, Katy Johnson. I mean, just look at her site. It’s frightening. What’s more frightening, though, in a completely different way, is how she comes off in Mr. Max’s way-too-detailed story.
“But wait”, you say, “how can I read the story? I thought the restraining order obliterated his web page?”
Well, it did, but you can still read every detail thanks to the magic of Google Caching. Yup, all the dysfunction is laid out there for your enjoyment, and/or horror. I doubt it’ll be there long, though, so get clickin’. (don’t worry, I saved it, too)
But the worst culprit in this tale is our very own justice system, or rather the Florida justice system (no surprise there, though), who squashed this “gentleman’s” freedom to write about his own life on the internet. Not only that, but they did it without ever telling him. The suit went ahead without without informing Mr. Max what was even coming down. Regardless of whether his story is true (which Miss Johnson has yet to deny, and has actually partially confirmed), this moron has every right to say it, or at least every right to defend himself against the charges.
Think about it… three main players in this story, and not one of them with a clue. Well, at least Tucker is moderately self-aware… he knows what he does. The judge and the beauty queen, though? Um, not so much.
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