Bradley’s Almanac

Humidity Tries…

Posted on July 20, 2004 at 3:30 pm | No Comments

My long crazy month of plane travel and out-of-town weddings behind me, I’m at risk of settling into a semi summer-blah. Maybe my body and brain got so used to the go-go-go that my daily routine suffers by comparison. Maybe spending so much time with old friends made me nostalgic for younger days. Maybe it’s just been too long since I’ve been home (because no matter where I live, there it will always be). Or maybe missing my first July 4th weekend sucked the heart out of my summer.

Yeah, maybe it’s all that, or it could just this dang Boston humidity. Sucks the energy right out of ya, it does. On the walk to work today, I swear that water was literally materializing out of the air in front of me.

I’ve got another blog backlog to set free… a whole bunch of things I’ve wanted to mention but pushed aside. This could be another long one, so buckle up buttercup …

It’s a good day for new merch, what with the long-awaited arrival of the new Low box set and the first season of Sealab 2021 on DVD. I’ll be hitting Newbury Comics this afternoon to snag ’em. Actually, if I’m looking to cure my blahs, maybe a box of Low isn’t the way to go. Nah, the Sealab will counteract that just fine, I think. “You’ll wish you had less fun!”

Hey, on the Adult Swim tip, it seems their very own MC Chris (aka Chris Ward, who voices MC Pee Pants on Aqua Teen Hunger Force and the almighty Hesh on Sealab 2021) has a blog. Sahweet.

Very soon this question will be answered: Has my obsession with, and repeated viewing of, the Garden State movie trailer raised my expectations for the film far too high? Am I doomed to disappointment? I sure as hell hope not, but I’ll find out in a couple weeks when it opens in Boston. While I await its arrival, I’ve been checking out Zach Braff’s excellent Garden State Blog over the past couple weeks. And, um, watching the trailer. Again.

So I read that Doom 3 has gone gold, and will hit shelves in a couple weeks, and I laughed heartily. Then I realized it wasn’t April 1st, and I laughed some more. Next thing they’ll be telling me that Half Life 2 is ready to ship. I call shenanigans!

Just about every dang day for the past few years I’ve clicked over to American Elf to find out what’s going on in cartoonist (and rockstar) James Kochalka’s mind. For those not in the know, back in 1998 James started drawing a daily diary strip, a personal dare to himself, and has met the challenge for over five years running. Like clockwork, a little slice of his daily life appears online, helping make my day a little more silly, or a little more thoughtful, sometimes just a little more… odd.

I’ve picked up the annual collections of each of the first four years, but this week marks the release of something really special. Top Shelf has put together a monster 520-page opus that pulls together all five years of American Elf so far, including a web-only hardbound edition with a special cover. I couldn’t resist, so despite the fact that I own four-fifths of the content so far, and that my bank account isn’t exactly flush, I splurged.

It arrived last week and I’m so damn glad I caved. What a beautiful piece of work this thing is. The design, the extra strips, the posters, the paintings, and everything in between the covers is just ace. One of those books that just feels good to hold in your hands, and look at on the shelf. So even if it’s just the paperback edition, go n’ get it.

Here’s a little profile of James that just did to mark the collection’s release.

Hey, if you’re one of the last people on the ‘net not to have a GMail account, either email me or throw a comment down below with your email addy. I’ve got some extra invites that are burning a hole in my browser, so one is yours if you ask.

So the Democratic National Convention takes over (well, basically “shuts down”) the town next week, which means I get five days of “working” from home. Yup, my company is encouraging people to either use vacation time or telecommute during the downtown madness, and I am so ready. Oh, don’t worry… I won’t be going commando at the computer, although I certainly cannot rule out all-day PJs.

Speaking of the DNC (hey, a segue!), Bostonians take note: The Boston Globe is sponsoring a free Presidential Film Series to coincide with the week’s events. Here are the deets…

In honor of the Democratic National Convention, The Boston Globe, in association with Loews Cineplex Entertainment at Loews Boston Common, invites you and a guest to go to the movies on us! See some of the most famous political films ever made ? as well as a Special Sneak Preview of the 2004 remake of The Manchurian Candidate! What’s more, after each screening, you’ll be able to discuss the film in Q & A sessions hosted by Boston Globe reporters and editors.

I’ve already signed up for the Manchurian Candidate (I’m a big fan of the original, so I’m slightly afraid), and other films include All the President’s Men, Election, and Thirteen Days. Head over to the site to register before they all fill up. Gotta love free flicks.

Speaking of free flicks (whoa, another lame segue), Amie and I caught a free-view of I,Robot last week. One word, three letter review: Meh. Sure, parts of it looked slick, stylized, and sparkly, and Firefly’s Alan Tudyk rocked as Sonny Robot, but the plot was cliche (wait, you mean the hard-nosed sergeant doesn’t trust the detective? i wonder if he’ll ask for his futuristic gun and badge? aw, no he didn’t!), the acting was wooden, and the robots just had no menace to them. Didn’t help that the previews gave most of the cool bits away.

Oh, and a note to filmmakers: If you’re going to give each of your two leads a gratuitous shower scene, kindly show us your lead actress’s bare bum along with your lead actor’s. Actually, on further thought, there are years of nudal imbalance to make up for there, so I suppose we can let this one slide.

I was about to say “Speaking of Firefly”, but I know I’m pushing my luck. If you’re a fan of Joss Whedon’s brutally-cancelled space-western, and are looking forward to its big-screen continuation as I am, check out the Serenity website. They’re well into shooting, and they’ve got a blog going to offer up info… although it looks like the updates are few and far between. Let’s hope that changes as the far-off release date gets closer.

My web browser of choice is getting a makeover, and I’m along for the ride. I’ve been addicted to the ever-in-progress MyIE2 for over a year, and was surprised to find out last week that it was undergoing a total rebranding. I understand that they want to distance themselves from the IE of Internet Explorer, but Maxthon? Pronounced ‘Max-Tun’? Hmmm. I know that most of the good names are gone, but surely they could have done better than that?

Ah well, I’m still sticking with them, even though the name is silly and the latest beta version is a tiny bit buggy. I can never again do without my tabbed browsing, my mouse-drag navigation, my handy plug-ins, and my full-on customization. The good news is that they’re getting close to a ‘final’ version 1.0 release, and the bugs are disappearing fairly quickly. Already we’ve gotten three builds in just a couple weeks. Go coders, go.

If you’re an Elliott Smith fan, you probably know this already, but details on his final full-length have been released. Head over here for a new article on Elliott, including words from Joanna Bolme and Rob Schnapf, who are finishing up the record (but first visit BugMeNot to get a free New York Times login ID if you need one). October’s not so far away.

Amie just sent me this link to fairly funny cartoon in which both Kerry and Bushy take a beating. Good for a chuckle or two.

When I was over in London I picked up the new Cure disc, and on it’s release date no less. You’d think it was 1989 and I was that die-hard, impatient Smith-worshipper of olde. Well, times have changed, and so have I, but they’ll always hold a gothy little place in the corner of my heart. (fanboy)It just hasn’t been the same since Boris left.(/fanboy)

When I loved this band, I loved this band, and I still pull out the old stuff every once in awhile. Hell, I even liked a few songs on 1999’s Bloodflowers, although the album didn’t really stick with me. I’m trying pretty hard to get into the new one, and much of the music strikes a deep chord with me… but there’s just something in the way of it sinking in.

Maybe it’s the critical drummer in me… but it feels sometimes like their current one is in a Cure cover band, playing what he thinks Boris would have played, and can’t quite measure up. He even hits the little splash cymbal, Lol-style, during one song, which kinda made me smile. He actually overuses the cymbals quite a bit, to the point where they get in the way of the other instruments. Maybe that’s a mixing thing, though. And I’m one to talk, according to some of my ex-bandmates.

Which brings me to my main problem with the album… Robert’s voice is mixed just a little bit too loud. For me the music has always been as important as, maybe more important than, his vocals… and he just yanks on the spotlight when his singing is up so high. I’d read that the producer took the reigns on this one, so perhaps the blame lies there.

Still, there’s no denying the three or four excellent songs that show us Robert can still write, and that make it a record worth owning. They’re not exactly fresh or innovative, but they’re unmistakably the Cure.

My West Coast friend Craig Gurwich, who releases music as Summer At Shatter Creek, has recorded his own vocals over three Mogwai instrumentals. An interesting, if bizarre, idea that actually works. Head over to Redder Records to grab the free tracks, and pick up his new Sink or Swim EP while you’re there.

Wanna know what happened to SpinAMP? Actually, you first probably want to know what the hell SpinAMP is, and why should you care?

SpinAMP has been my liferaft here in cubeland for years. It’s a free downloadable plug-in for either WinAMP (you’d better know what that is) or QCD (the Quintessential Player) that allows you to stream Spinner content.

But what’s Spinner? Well, for years it was arguably the best programmed free streaming music provider out there. Tons of channels, including a bunch of indie/alt ones, filled out with a huge and varied selection of songs. Been listening to Spinner since it started back in ’98 or ’99… until it was bought by Netscape and it all went to AO-Hell. First they renamed it to Radio@Netscape and made their already-crappy player even worse.

Fortunately, SpinAMP allowed you to completely avoid that terrible interface by just running WinAMP or QCD and firing up the plug-in. Switching channels was easy (unlike R@N’s player), and when you switched it always started songs from the beginning (again, unlike R@N’s player). Not only that, with a click of the mouse you could find out what was coming up next, what was playing on other stations, and automatically save current song info to a notepad file for future reference. Hear something you really like? Click and save, investigate later. I found tons of great bands on their ‘New Indie’ station…

Until they decided to make content available only to AOL subscribers. Ouch. At first, SpinAMP seemed to handle the change just fine, and AOL seemed unaware that many of us were still listening via WinAmp. But a couple months ago they woke up, and blocked all non-subscribers from their streams, even though SpinAMP made it a point to export audio advertising and banner content from Spinner/R@N.

Came into work one day and SpinAMP was dead in the water, “channel not available”, and work became a whole lot quieter. No other online streaming radio I’ve found measures up in terms of simplicity and song selection.

There’s good news, though. SpinAMP guru HK has been on the case, and it looks like he’s found a way to access the streams again. According to a post on the SpinAMP forum, a new version for WinAMP is on the way ‘this week‘. It can’t come soon enough. Hope it’ll be awhile before AOL catches on again…

Whoa, it’s a Philip Pullman jackpot! Not only do I discover the author now has his own website, but Hollis let me know that a whole lot of new His Dark Materials content has been added to the London National Theater’s Stagework website. Not just behind the scenes material, but actual footage from the stage adaptation of Pullman’s brilliant fantasy trilogy. I get chills watching some of this stuff, even months after seeing it live. If you can’t get to London for the re-staging this fall, then this video is the closest you’ll get, at least until the movie comes out. Who knows, maybe it’ll come stateside before then? At the very least, get off your behind and read the trilogy… it’ll make you forget all about some punk named Potter.

Just last month, did a fairly lengthy piece on Pullman and the HDM books, so have a look see.

I mentioned that I cruised through Robert B. Parker’s latest book, Stone Cold, on the plane trip home from London. This one was the third Jesse Stone novel, rather than the umpteenth Spenser one, and was probably my favorite Parker book in years. Made me hanker for more, but I’ll have to wait for the paperback edition of ‘Double Play’, which is neither a Stone nor a Spenser tale, but instead focuses on a guy named Burke, assigned to protect ballplayer Jackie Robinson in 1947. I could get into a little historical baseball in my fiction, so I may even spring for the hardcover of this one.

Here’s a recent interview with Parker on the Red Sox Nation site. I figured he was a Sox fan, and it’s nice to see these two loves of mine collide.

I’ve got a bunch more things in the works… pictures from Mike & Anna’s wedding, a few shots from my trip to London, a couple shots from Chris & Megan’s wedding, and some cool photos from the New Year gig at TT the Bears a couple weeks back. I’m getting close to bringing back the mp3 of the week, too, and maybe even catching up on some trades. Like I said, I’m a little backlogged. Workin’ on fixing that.

I’ll leave you with a link to the Field Guide To The North American Bird. Very valuable information there, especially for your average Boston driver. Use the knowledge wisely. And don’t forget to take me up on my GMail account offer. I know you probably forgot since it was hours ago that you read it.

Back out into the muggy mistiness I go …


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    Thursday, February 20th
    Babe Corner
    Heaven For Real
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, February 21st
    Chris Lee-Rodriguez
    The Michael Character
    Puppy Problems
    @ O'Brien's

    Saturday, February 22nd
    10 years of WORSHIPPER
    with Roadsaw & Summoner
    @ Widowmaker, Braintree

    Saturday, February 22nd
    Father John Misty
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, February 23rd
    Jenny Owens Young
    @ Club Passim

    Tuesday, February 25th
    Howard Jones
    @ the Shubert Theatre

    Thursday, February 27th
    40th Anniversary of V66!
    Special Screening of
    Life on the V: The Story of V66
    @ Somerville Theatre

    Thursday, February 27th
    Pom Pom Squad
    Caroline Kingsbury
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, February 28th
    The Bevis Frond
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Saturday, March 1st
    Elvis Costello & Steve Nieve
    @ the Cabot, Beverly

    Tuesday, March 4th
    Lesser Birds
    Ian St. George
    @ O'Brien's

    Wednesday, March 5th
    @ O'Brien's

    Thursday, March 6th
    Lupo Citta
    @ the Middle East

    Friday, March 7th
    Pet Fox
    Fantasy of a Broken Heart
    @ the Paradise

    Friday, March 7th
    Space Camp
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, March 7th
    Michael Shannon, Jason Narducy,
    & friends mark the 40th anniversary of
    R.E.M.'s "Fables of the Reconstruction"
    (and more) with opener Dave Hill
    @ the Royale

    Saturday, March 8th
    Paper Lady
    Ohio State Fair
    @ Deep Cuts

    Saturday, March 8th
    Dead Gowns
    Lost Film
    @ the Lilypad Inman

    Saturday, March 8th
    "Another Abbey Lounge Reunion!"
    with Yes Nanny,
    Eric Salt & the Electricity,
    and The Grownup Noise
    @ Sally O'Brien's

    Saturday, March 8th
    Hands & Knees
    Audrey Ryan & friends
    @ the Loft, Somerville

    Sunday, March 9th
    an acoustic evening with
    Trey Anastasio
    @ the Wang

    Monday, March 10th
    Kim Deal
    @ the Wilbur

    Tuesday, March 11th
    @ the Wang

    Tuesday, March 11th
    Peter Wolf (J Geils Band)
    presents his new memoir
    "Waiting on the Moon"
    @ Cambridge Public Library

    Wednesday, March 12th
    The MC Taylor Goldsmith Show
    MC Taylor (Hiss Golden Messenger)
    and Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes)
    @ the Cut, Gloucester

    Friday & Saturday
    March 14th & 15th
    Dropkick Murphys
    Teenage Bottlerocket

    Saturday, March 15th
    Robert Poss (Band of Susans)
    Martha Swetzoff
    Chris Brokaw
    @ the Lilypad

    Saturday, March 15th
    Video Age
    @ the Middle East Downstairs

    Saturday, March 15th
    Dream Theater
    40th Anniversary Tour
    @ the Wang

    Saturday, March 15th
    Dropkick Murphys
    Teenage Bottlerocket
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, March 16th
    Dropkick Murphys
    Bouncing Souls
    Hot Water Music
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Monday, March 17th
    Dropkick Murphys
    Bouncing Souls
    Hot Water Music
    Cody Nilson
    @ House of Blues
    Wednesday, March 19th
    Tuesday, March 18th
    Patterson Hood
    Lydia Loveless
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Wednesday, March 19th
    @ the Paradise

    Thursday, March 20th
    Derv Gordon (of the Equals)
    backed by So What
    Children of the Flaming Wheel
    @ Deep Cuts

    Thursday, March 20th
    Neil Degrasse Tyson
    @ the Wilbur

    Friday, March 21st
    The Zip-Ups
    Corin Ashley
    @ Faces Brewing

    Sunday, March 23rd
    Ida & Tsunami!
    the Coin-Flip tour!
    @ Crystal Ballroom

    Tuesday, March 25th
    Of Montreal
    @ the Royale

    Thursday, March 27th
    Free Range
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Thursday, March 27th
    José González
    @ the Cabot in Beverly

    Friday, March 28th
    Dead Kennedys
    H.R. (of Bad Brains)
    Raging Nathans
    @ the Paradise

    Friday, March 28th
    The Weather Station
    @ the Sinclair

    Saturday, March 29th
    Robin Lane
    @ Club Passim

    Saturday, March 29th
    Maya Hawke
    Katy Kirby
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, March 30th
    Famous Mammals
    The Spatulas
    @ O'Brien's

    Sunday, March 30th
    The Hard Quartet
    Sharp Pins
    @ the Paradise

    Tuesday, April 1st
    Earfull Series
    Writers reading. Songwriters singing.
    with authors
    Alison Espach
    & Meredith Goldstein
    and musicians
    John Powhida (solo)
    & Nat Freedberg (band)
    @ the Burren Backroom

    Thursday, April 3rd
    Alan Sparhawk (Low)
    Circuit des Yeux
    @ the Sinclair

    Thursday, April 3rd
    The Gossip
    @ the Paradise Rock Club

    Friday, April 4th
    Beth Gibbons (Portishead)
    Bill Ryder-Jones
    @ the Orpheum

    Friday, April 4th
    The Long Wait
    Speed Teeth
    @ O'Brien's

    Saturday, April 5th
    Snow Patrol
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, April 5th
    Franz Ferdinand
    @ the Orpheum

    Sunday, April 6th
    Lady Pills
    Babe Report
    @ the Rockwell

    Sunday, April 6th
    The War & Treaty
    @ the Sinclair

    Tuesday, April 8th
    The Mars Volta
    @ TD Garden

    Wednesday, April 9th
    The Yardbirds
    @ City Winery Boston

    Wednesday, April 9th
    Kylie Minogue
    @ the Garden

    Thursday, April 10th
    Clem Snide
    Abe Partridge
    @ Warehouse XI

    Thursday, April 10th
    Major Stars
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, April 11th
    @ the Paradise

    Saturday, April 12th
    Franz Ferdinand
    @ the Orpheum

    Saturday, April 12th
    Justin Lally (album release!)
    Holding Napoleon
    Ivy Boy
    Audrey Ryan & friends
    @ the Loft, Somerville

    Sunday, April 13th
    (Terry Chambers & friends)
    @ City Winery

    Sunday, April 13th
    @ Agganis Arena

    Monday, April 14th
    Everyone Asked About You
    @ the Sinclair

    Tuesday, April 15th
    Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
    St. Vincent
    @ Agganis Arena

    Wednesday, April 16th
    L.S. Dunes
    From Indian Lakes
    Night Sins
    @ the SInclair

    Thursday, April 17th
    Dead Boys
    Richard Lloyd Group
    (of Television)
    @ Deep Cuts

    Thursday, April 17th
    @ the Rockwell

    Thursday, April 17th
    Mercury Rev
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Friday, April 18th
    Mount Eerie
    Hana Stretton
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, April 18th
    Bright Eyes
    @ House of Blues

    Saturday, April 19th
    The Fixx
    Jill Sobule
    @ the Cabot, Beverly

    Saturday, Sunday, & Tuesday
    April 19th, 20th, & 21st
    Ani DiFranco
    @ the Somerville Theatre

    Sunday, April 20th
    Gang of Four
    "The Long Goodbye" farewell tour
    playing "Entertainment!" & more
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Sunday, April 20th
    Jay Aston's
    Gene Loves Jezebel
    Slim Jim Phantom (Stray Cats)
    Belouis Some
    @ City Winery

    Sunday & Monday
    April 20th & 21st
    Lucy Dacus
    Katie Gavin
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Tuesday, April 22nd
    Alejandro Escovedo
    @ City Winery

    Wednesday, April 23rd
    Dweezil Zappa
    @ the Cabot, Beverly, MA

    Wednesday, April 23rd
    The Linda Lindas
    @ the Paradise

    Thursday, April 24th
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Thursday, April 24th
    The Mary Wallopers
    @ Big Night Live

    Thursday, April 24th
    Christian Death
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, April 25th
    Sidewalk Driver
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday & Saturday
    April 25th & 26th
    The Town and the City Festival!
    @ various venues in Lowell

    Saturday, April 26th
    Poison the Well
    Better Lovers
    Teenage Wrist
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, April 27th
    Beach Bunny
    Pool Kids
    Jayla Kai
    @ House of Blues

    Sunday, April 27th
    Indigo Girls
    Melissa Etheridge
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday, April 30th
    The Chameleons
    Twin Tribes
    @ Big Night Live

    Wednesday, April 30th
    Militarie Gun
    Age of Apocalypse
    @ the Middle East

    Thursday, May 1st
    Deep Sea Diver
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Thursday, May 1st
    Sharon Van Etten
    & the Attachment Theory
    Love Spells
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, May 2nd
    Bob Mould & his band
    J. Robbins & his band
    @ the Paradise

    Saturday, May 3th
    @ The Sinclair

    Saturday, May 3rd
    Baby Rose
    @ Roadrunner

    Tuesday, June 3rd
    @ Xfinity Center

    Sunday, May 4th
    The Queers
    @ the Middle East Upstairs

    Sunday, May 4th
    Tim Hecker
    @ Crystal Ballroom

    Sunday, May 4th
    @ Gillette Stadium

    Wednesday, May 7th
    Japanese Breakfast
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday, May 7th
    Sea Wolf (solo)
    @ the Haymarket Lounge
    @ City Winery

    Wednesday, May 7th
    Johnny Echols
    @ City Winery

    Thursday, May 8th
    Napalm Death
    @ the Paradise

    Thursday, May 8th
    Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Friday, May 9th
    "50 Years of De-Evolution...Continued!" @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, May 10th
    The Hilken Mancini Band
    (the long-awaited LP release party!)
    with The Cujo (feat. Jen Trynin)
    & Mary Lou Lord
    @ Sonia

    Saturday, May 10th
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Sunday, May 11th
    Mint Green
    @ Deep Cuts

    Sunday, May 11th
    @ the Sinclair

    Monday, May 12th
    Kendrick Lamar
    @ Gillette Stadium

    Wednesday, May 14th
    My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
    Die Krupps
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday, May 17th
    @ the Rockwell

    Saturday, May 17th
    Sunflower Bean
    @ Deep Cuts

    Saturday, May 17th
    Amyl & the Sniffers
    Sheer Mag
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday & Sunday
    May 17th & 18th
    Amy Poehler & Tina Fey
    @ the Wang

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    May 20th & 21st
    Hamilton Leithauser
    (of the Walkmen)
    & Johanna Samuels
    @ the Sinclair

    Thursday, May 22nd
    Slide Away Presents:
    Mark Robinson
    Her New Knife
    Beach-O (film)
    @ the Paradise

    Thursday, May 22nd
    Peter Bjorn and John
    "Writers Block" album tour
    @ the Sinclair

    Saturday, May 24th
    The Wedding Present
    "Bizarro" 35th Anniversary Tour
    with The Tubs
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
    May 23rd, 24th, & 25th
    Boston Calling Music Festival
    @ the Harvard Athletic Complex

    Wednesday, May 28th
    Scott Thompson
    (of Kids in the Hall)
    is Buddy Cole
    @ City Winery Boston

    Wednesday, May 28th
    Barry Manilow
    "the last Boston concert"
    @ the Garden

    Thursday, May 29th
    Annie Dirusso
    Squirrel Flower
    @ the Paradise

    Friday, May 30th
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Friday, May 30th
    Eldridge Rodriguez
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Friday, May 30th
    Teddy Swims
    @ Suffolk Downs

    Friday, May 30th
    OK GO
    @ the Royale

    Friday, May 30th
    Billie Marten
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, May 30th
    Bloc Party
    (performing "Silent Alarm" & more)
    with Metric
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, May 31st
    Band of Skulls
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, June 1st
    Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, June 6th
    Jack's Mannequin
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, June 6th
    Sleigh Bells
    @ the Paradise

    Friday, June 6th
    The Ocean Blue
    playing their self-titled LP
    and their "Cerulean" LP
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Saturday, June 7th
    Toby Tantrum
    Sun Urchins
    Yoni Gordon
    Audrey Ryan & friends
    @ the Loft, Somerville

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    June 10th & 11th
    Queens of the Stone Age
    The Kills
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
    June 10th, 12th, & 13th
    Paul Simon
    @ the Wang

    Wednesday, June 11th
    "Peripheral Vision" tour
    with Balance & Composure
    & Citizen
    @ the House of Blues

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    June 10th & 11th
    Queens of the Stone Age
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, June 15th
    Simple Minds
    Soft Cell
    Modern English
    @ Xfinity Center

    Sunday, June 15th
    @ The Sinclair

    Thursday, June 19th
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, June 27th
    John Carroll Kirby
    @ Suffolk Downs

    Saturday, June 28th
    Godspeed You! Black Emperor
    Alan Sparhawk
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday, June 28th
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Sunday, June 29th
    @ the Middle East

    Monday, July 7th
    @ House of Blues

    Friday, July 11th
    Cap'n Jazz
    Coffin Prick
    @ the Sinclair

    Tuesday, July 15th
    Weird Al Yankovic
    @ the Wang

    Wednesday, July 16th
    Johnny Dowd
    @ City Winery

    Friday, July 18th
    The Lumineers
    St. Vincent
    Hippo Campus
    @ Fenway Park

    Friday, July 18th
    Samantha Crain
    @ Warehouse XI

    Friday, July 18th
    Dinosaur Jr.
    Snail Mail
    Easy Action
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday & Saturday
    July 18th & 19th
    performing "Bossanova"
    & "Trompe Le Monde" (18th)
    and a set of classics (19th)
    with Kurt Vile & the Violators
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, July 19th &
    Friday, September 5th
    Men I Trust
    @ Roadrunner

    Monday, July 21st
    @ TD Garden

    Saturday, July 26th
    Christopher Cross
    Men At Work
    @ Leader Bank Pavilion

    Saturday, July 26th
    Rod Stewart
    Cheap Trick
    @ the Xfinity Center

    Tuesday, July 29th
    Goo Goo Dolls
    Dashboard Confessional
    @ the Pavilion

    Wednesday, July 30th
    The "Happy Together" Tour
    featuring The Turtles,
    Jay & the Americans,
    Little Anthony, Mark Lindsay
    (of Paul Revere & the Raiders),
    The Vogues, & the Cowsills
    @ Lynn Auditorium

    Friday, August 1st
    LOST 80's LIVE
    with A Flock of Seagulls,
    Big Country, General Public,
    The Vapors, Belouis Some,
    The Icicle Works, China Crisis,
    Josie Cotton, Polecats,
    and more
    @ the Wang

    Wednesday, August 13th
    @ The Sinclair

    Friday, August 15th
    The Doobie Brothers
    The Coral Reefer Band
    @ Xfinity Center

    Friday, August 29th
    Nine Inch Nails
    @ the Garden

    Saturday, August 30th
    Coheed & Cambria
    Taking Back Sunday
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, September 7th
    The Outlaw Music Festival
    10th Anniversary Tour
    @ the Xfinity Center

    Sunday, September 7th
    My Chemical Romance
    @ Fenway Park

    Friday, September 12th
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, Sept 14th
    Alabama Shakes
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday, September 17th
    Alison Krauss & Union Station
    Willie Watson
    @ the Pavilion

    Tuesday, September 23rd
    Viagra Boys
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday & Sunday
    October 4th & 5th
    An Inconceivable Evening
    with Cary Elwes
    & a screening of
    The Princess Bride
    @ the Wilbur

    Saturday, October 11th
    @ the House of Blues

    Monday, November 24th
    Patti Smith
    Horses 50th Anniversary Tour
    @ the Orpheum