July Revital
Posted on July 6, 2005 at 3:05 pm | No Comments
The past bunch of days have been some of the best, but I’ll hold off on the recollecting because, hey, free stuff comes first!

Yup, I’ve got a pair of tickets for some lucky Boston-area ‘Nac reader to see a preview of the new Tim-Burton-directed, Johnny-Depp-starring Charlie & the Chocolate Factory flick. The screening’s at 7pm on Tuesday, July 12th at the Loews Boston Common, so if you can make it to that,
drop an email to [bsearles at gmail dot com] and answer these two perfunctory questions:
1) What Chicago-based band got their name from a CatCF character?
2) What’s your favorite Gene Wilder movie?
Easy enough, innit? I’ll be mailing the passes out tomorrow, so you should have them in hand on Friday or Saturday. Oh, and if you win, I fully expect a mini-review of the movie here in the comments section.
(edited to add: Congrats to Mike from Newton, who correctly answered ‘Veruca Salt‘ and ‘Young Frankenstein‘, although as I told him, I also would’ve allowed ‘Blazing Saddles‘ for #2 ;))

Also for Bostonians, and also totally free: A Beer & Cheese Tasting at the Sam Adams Brewery on Thursday, July 14th. You get a special tour of the place, and then a bunch of Sammy brew and Cabot cheese. Couldn’t get much better than that, now could it? If you’re interested in attending, you should email Leigh.Merrigan@bostonbeer.com, and she’ll provide you with an address to send your RSVP to. The catch: they’re only allowing 75 people, so get moving. If you get in, I’ll be seeing you there. Mmmmm… beer & cheese.

I happily discovered New Radiant Storm King over ten years ago, obsessed over them for a few years, then sorta lost track. Every once in awhile I throw in ‘August Revital‘ or ‘Rival Time‘ and rekindle my obsession, and that wheel has come around again. They’re so damn good, though they’ve only been sporadically releasing music over the past decade or so. Not for a lack of trying… you should really check out their history, it’s a fascinating, and vicariously frustrating, read.
Having read that entire tale of sketchy record labels, ill-fated tours, super-cool outside projects (including Peyton Pinkerton’s presence in The Pernice Brothers), and near-disbandment, I’m relieved to find some long-deserved payoff: This fall, Darla records will not only release NRSK’s next record, but they’ll be simultaneously re-mastering and reissuing three of their albums: My Little Bastard Soul, Rival Time, and Singular, No Article. This is great, great news. Yes, Darla has such a treat for us.
My Little Bastard Soul will include two videos along with a bonus disc of demos (titled ‘My Little Bastard Son’), Rival Time contains all four songs from the classic Subway Token 7”, and although Singular, No Article comes with just one bonus track, the album was never before released in North America. So the album’s mere existence is the bonus.
Just as exciting as all the reissues is the promise of their new record, especially having heard this excellent (although abruptly-ended) early mp3 for the song ‘The Winding Staircase‘. A whole album of that?! Yes, please.

And on the subject of reissues: Billy Bragg Box Set this fall, along with individual early-era reissue discs. I’ll be buying it, read Chromewaves for more thoughts.
Yep Rock Records is really on a new release roll, what with this stuff and the new Bob Mould, Kingsbury Manx, and Paul Weller records on the autumn horizon.

The gi-normous 2005 San Diego Comic-Con is just a week away, and a look at the panel schedule (as mentioned in The Beat) reveals some pretty exciting news relating to writer/artist Brian Wood. Check this out, from the listings:
Friday, July 15th, 1:30pm-2:30pm
VERTIGO: Looking Over the Edge
For over a decade, VERTIGO has been at the forefront of cutting-edge comics and graphic novels for mature readers. Learn what smart and edgy projects are in store for you in this slideshow presentation. Hosted by VERTIGO VP/executive editor Karen Berger, with group editor Shelly Bond, editor Will Dennis, and creators Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets), Jill Thompson (Dead Boy Detectives), Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man), Pia Guerra (Y: The Last Man), Darren Aronofsky and Kent Williams (The Fountain), Dean Haspiel (The Quitter), Brian Wood (Global Frequency), Glenn Fabry (Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere), Joshua Dysart (Swamp Thing), David Tischman (Bite Club), Gilbert Hernandez (Sloth), and Peter Gross (Lucifer).”Saturday, July 16th, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Oni Press: A Look into the Future
For seven years Oni Press has been an indy comics force, publishing one of the widest ranges of quality comics and graphic novels in the industry. Hear all about the creative process at Oni and upcoming projects from editor-in-chief James Lucas Jones, publisher Joe Nozemack, and director of makerting Maryanne Snell, along with creators Greg Rucka (Queen and Country), Ted Naifeh (Courtney Crumrin), Chynna Clugston (Blue Monday), Corey Lewis (Sharknife), John Layman (Puffed), and Brian Wood (Demo).Sunday, July 17th, 11:00am-12:00pm
New Monthly Visions of VERTIGO
Join Karen Berger, VP/executive editor, as she’s joined by the writers and artists of VERTIGO’S next wave of provocative monthly titles. With Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets), Liam Sharpe (The Possessed), Brian Wood (Global Frequency), Bill Willingham (Fables), amazing newcomers Matthew Sturgis and Simon Oliver, Tony Moore (The Walking Dead), John Watkiss (Deadman), Becky Cloonan (Demo), and Steven T. Seagle (It’s A Bird).
Not only a new Oni Press project from Brian, but a Vertigo book (and Becky, too?)? Looks like Brian has some serious news he’s been having to hide, and that’s mighty fine company he’ll be keeping. Can’t wait to hear all the details.

I’m damn disappointed that the Hot Snakes are no more. One of the best live bands on the planet, and they’re gone. Been listening to Rick Froberg and John Reis make music together since the Drive Like Jehu days, and I hope they both keep the rock music coming in another form.

Pretty cool Joss Whedon comic-themed interview in the newly launched Millarworld Magazine.

Former G4/TechTV Screensavers hosts Alex Albrecht and Kevin Rose are reunited, hosting a weekly podcast for the Digg tech news site called ‘Diggnation‘. You can also check out the accompanying videocast right here. Cool to see and hear them together again on a regular basis.

This is kinda neat… and maybe a little creepy. Ragdoll physics in action.

Being a fan of The State sketch-comedy crew and its various member-created projects, of course I was going to check out the first episode of Stella on Comedy Central. Needless to say, it was so, so silly, and in the best way. Welcome to my Season Pass list, Misters Showalter, Wain, & Black.
All three of whom will also be in Showalter’s upcoming directorial effort, The Baxter, along with Justin Theroux, Michelle Williams, Paul Rudd, Peter Dinklage, and more. It’ll be rolling out over the fall, the trailer is here, and it looks great. (link via off on a tangent)

My brief by overly-enthusiastic fling with the online game Kingdom of Loathing causes me to covet the pint glasses available for sale at the new Store of Loathing. “My other car is made of meat”. Heh.

Got a whole bunch more I’d like to write, but I’ll save that until tomorrow so I can post this and give those Charlie & the Chocolate Factory tickets away. Get emailing if you’re into that.
On tap for tonight: Author and Freaks & Geeks creator Paul Feig at the Coolidge. His new book is crackin’ me up, so I’m really looking forward to hearing him read from it, as well as introduce a couple F&G episodes on the big-screen.

Lastly, I just wanna wish a happy wedding anniversary to my ‘rents up in Vermont. All the best to the two of ya, and thanks for everything, as always.
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