Bradley’s Almanac

[Live MP3s] DAVID BAZAN’s Boston House Show (aka my livingroom)

Posted on August 16, 2011 at 7:02 pm | No Comments

When I wrote about the still-hard-to-believe-it-actually-happened acoustic set that David Bazan played in my Allston livingroom back in April, I promised that, with his blessing, I’d eventually share up that spellbinding performance here on the ‘Nac. Well, eventually equals now.

I held off for awhile because this particular house show tour took place a month before the release of the former Pedro The Lion frontman’s top-notch new long-player, “Strange Negotations”, and he blessed us with a few solo versions of tracks from the album (kicking off with the stunning title number). Rather than spoil the album’s impact with early versions, I waited, and during one of the between-song Q&As below, we talk about the certain magic of hearing a new LP all at once instead of bit-by-bit. You can either listen to that discussion by downloading, or read it below, as I took some extra time to transcribe the audience questions and Dave’s always-forthcoming responses. Well worth checking out his thoughts on the “Burn To Shine” series, the creation of the new album, the genius of Gillian Welch (after playing a truly moving cover), LCD Soundsystem, the pointlessness of certain promotion, the Grammys, and more.

Read my original write-up of that extra-special evening here, scroll on down for the Q&A text and some excellent Bazan-centric links, and be sure to order up a copy of “Strange Negotations”. If you haven’t heard it yet, you should probably be saving a spot in your year-end favorites list…

David Bazan

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

in my livingroom

Allston, MA

[Download all 18 tracks in one 145 MB .zip file]

01. Strange Negotiations (the new album’s title track)

02. Transcontinental (from PtL’s “Achilles Heel”)

03. Won’t Let Go (from “Strange Negotiations”)

04. Cold Beer and Cigarettes (from DB’s “Fewer Moving Parts”)

05. [Crowd Q&A #1]

06. Priests and Paramedics (from PtL’s “Control”)

07. How I Remember (from “Fewer Moving Parts”)

08. [Crowd Q&A #2]

09. Hard To Be (from DB’s “Curse Your Branches”)

10. April 14th, Part I (Gillian Welch cover)

11. [Crowd Q&A #3]

12. Virginia (from “Strange Negotiations”)

13. [Crowd Q&A #4]

14. Selling Advertising (from “Fewer Moving Parts”)

15. [Crowd Q&A #5]

16. Please Baby Please (from “Curse Your Branches”)

17. Crowd Q&A #6

18. Bearing Witness (from “Curse Your Branches”)

Some recent Bazan-related links…

  • Dates have just been announced for another DB livingroom tour, taking place throughout September, with tickets going on sale tomorrow at 2pm Central time. These shows generally sell out very quickly, so check the list and be online tomorrow afternoon if you’re near one of the stops. (no Boston this time around, but we’ve been pretty spoiled, so I won’t whine.)
  • Another new Bazan album in the works already?! Yessiree, according to that thread and DB bassist Andy Fitts’ Twitter account. Bazan writes: “it’s just time to quit fucking around and make some records.” HELL YES.
  • Read or listen to an NPR feature story on Dave from back in May on the day the album was released.
  • Check out a fantastic interview with Dave over at Songwriters On Process blog. I’ll leave it up to you to guess what subject it covers.
  • Dave and his ace bandmates Alex and Andy performed a couple of the new songs (“People” & “Level With Yourself“) in stripped down form for the site Southern Souls, who captured it on video.
  • They also swung by Seattle’s KEXP studio and rocked out four songs last month. Here’s one of them…

  • But wait! There’s more! He stopped into Minnesota Public Radio station The Current for an interview and three songs with the guys. Stream the whole set, or download “Eating Paper“…

  • While listening to that set over at The Current, I noticed a link to the station’s 2006 session with the Undertow Orchestra – the touring supergroup that consisted of Dave, the much-missed Vic Chesnutt, American Music Club’s Mark Eitzel, and both Will Johnson and Scott Danbom of Centro-matic – and couldn’t resist posting a track. For each show, they’d rotate through each songwriter’s material, transforming the songs in ways you’d never heard, and would not hear again. That Current session gives one song each to Dave, Vic, Mark, and Will, and here’s Dave’s number – the Pedro The Lion number “Bands With Managers“…

  • And lastly, before I get to the audience Q&A, here’s an excellent embedded video of Dave & the boys performing one of my favorite Pedro songs, “Magazine“, for the Austin City Limits “Satellite Sets” series. Hit that link for video of four more songs…
  • Watch the full episode. See more ACL presents Satellite Sets.

    Here’s the transcription of the Q&A segments between Dave & the friends, fans, and strangers who filled up my livingroom that night. I’ve made some comments in brackets, and cleaned up some of the better-said-than-read “um, uh, like” parts (yes, including ones in my own question). Read on…

    David Bazan’s Allston audience interaction, 4/3/2011

    Crowd Q&A #1…

    Audience: Hey Dave, I have one actually, related to that song [“Cold Beer & Cigarettes“]. It was your performance in the “Burn To Shine” series that got me into your music, so I’d love to hear any of your memories from that day. It seems like a really interesting experience for a musician…

    David Bazan: It was amazing. I mean, first and foremost, that “Burn To Shine” thing is run by two dudes, one of which is the drummer of Fugazi [Brendan Canty] – who probably is the musician that I obsessed over more than any other in my life – so getting to meet him and him sort of fussing over making sure that things were good for me and other people playing… it was just amazing. ‘Cuz, I mean, I don’t know… I was pretty starstruck, actually. So that was neat, to find out that he was just a really amazing, committed dude.

    Aud: Seemed like a pretty good group of musicians, too, from that series…

    DB: It was amazing, the feeling of camaraderie. Y’know, [Ben] Gibbard [of Death Cab For Cutie] kind of curated that, so he chose all the people…

    Aud: His song is amazing on that one, too…

    DB: Yeah, “Broken Yoke Over A Western Sky“. So, it [“Burn To Shine”] definitely enhanced an already very connected feeling I have about being in Seattle, just being a bunch of good people who are trying to make music that is interesting.

    I also got to meet Eddie Vedder that day, which was pretty interesting. You’re only supposed to perform the tunes 2 times, but I peaked the mics the 2nd time, so they gave me a 3rd time to do it, and the 3rd time I walked into the staging area… and Eddie Vedder, who I had just met before – he came in and said “Hey, what’s up man?” and I said “I gotta go do this thing…” – so I came back and he put his arm out and pulled his shirt up and he was like “Gooseflesh.” And I said “What?”, and he said “You just gave me gooseflesh, man”. “You, too, man…” Freaked me out. [crowd laughter]

    It was an interesting day. But I had to leave early because I had to play a show that night, so I missed some of the late acts when it was clearly nighttime outside… like the Long Winters… but yeah, it was amazing. It’s a really interesting series if you guys are interested in it, it’s called “Burn To Shine”. I’m sure you’re aware of it to some degree. Has the Louisville, Kentucky one come out…?

    Aud: There was a long lag, I think they had some funding issues, but Louisville’s coming out, and then Atlanta is the 6th one, I think.

    DB: Ok, so there’s four that are currently…

    Aud: … available, and then two more coming out.

    DB: DC, Chicago, Seattle, and Portland?

    Aud: Yeah, Portland was before Seattle.

    Crowd Q&A #2…

    Aud: Your new album [“Strange Negotiations”] is coming out – would you say there’s a theme to that album, or what’s been on your heart and mind as you made the album?

    DB: I think there is a theme, although it’s not quite as focused as “Curse Your Branches” was. And I think that maybe I’m writing about the themes on the record in a slightly more vague way, it would seem, but… um…

    Aud: Or do you prefer to leave it to us to figure out the themes..?

    DB: I mean, that’s one way, I guess… I think that there’s a lot of tension that surrounds, for me, dealing with people who believe really insane things about, um… not invisible things like religion, or things like that, but about economics or politics – things that are pretty demonstrable, like the citizenship of our president, or things like this. It just seems weird that you have to engage with people and take them seriously when they’re just batshit crazy.

    It’s pretty horrible but I feel like everywhere I go there’s a bumper sticker or a hillbilly or something insane… y’know, they have Fox news everywhere, and Rush Limbaugh is broadcast in every single market, many times over in some cases. So [the album’s themes] sort of stem from those sorts of frustrations, but also beyond the frustration, feeling like “Is it cool to just air those frustrations and demonize those people?” or is there some other way forward. And I do think that it starts with trying to state reality, and understand that my perception of things can be distorted as well. There comes a certain point where I’m not going to say that I’m just as likely to be wrong as someone who believes that our president wasn’t born in this country. Or, like, I do bad things in my life, but I’m not as bad of a person as W. It’s just futile to think that… I grew up thinking that “Well, everybody’s just as bad as the other person…”, and it’s just not the case. He’s responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent people dying, and I’m simply not… directly responsible for that many people dying. That’s just a fact.

    That’s what I think was going on in my mind when I made the record. That said, as weird as it seems to say, especially with a record like [Curse Your] “Branches”, I don’t really mean to write about anything. I just start filling in a notepad with what comes out and sort it out and edit what is there, to try and make it into something that I like. And with “Branches”, that just turned out to be a very focused record, about religion and other things. So, like I said, this one is a little less focused, I think that people could make it into being about all kind of things, whereas “Branches” was a little tougher to do that with – can’t really be about too many things.

    Crowd Q&A #3 [after playing the Gillian Welch cover]…

    DB: Just in case – I wish that were a new song that I wrote, but that’s a Gillian Welch song from “Time (The Revelator)” – if you’re not familiar with that record, I would recommend buying it, ‘cuz it’s pretty fucking unstoppable all the way through. Any other questions or concerns at this point in the show?

    Aud: You just covered what I think is her best song, and I heard you did a Vic Chesnutt song last year [at another house show] in Beverly, and I’ve heard you do two Radiohead ones… I’m just curious who you respect most as writers of music, or writers of music as well. Or, I guess, to make it simpler… who do you like to cover the most.

    DB: Well, that record of hers [Gillian Welch] is such an astonishing bit of songwriting, I feel like I’ll be trying to wrap my head around it for a long time. It’s such a simple record, but it’s really beyond my ability to really understand what’s going on in some cases. I do think that lyrically I feel the same way about Vic [Chesnutt]. I like his tunes and his melodies, too, but it’s really the range of emotional experience and the range of the human experience that he is able to evoke and cover with his lyrics. I don’t know of anybody else… I mean, it just can be like, stab you over-and-over again with a knife kind of poignant, and then really absurd and funny and wistful, kind of on a dime. And I don’t know anybody that does that to me the way that Vic did. Rest in peace…

    Then there’s the Beatles, y’know, from a craft perspective – I’m still trying to digest that stuff. Current bands I think, like songwriting craft and composition, the band Deerhoof still really kind of freaks me out. They’re kind of a mix between, like, the Beatles and Fugazi to me, in the way that they construct their tunes. It’s definitely got the post-rock kind of angular, real cathartic element to it, but compositionally no one’s dealing with melody and theme and harmony the way that those guys do – I don’t know of any other band currently that can really touch them.

    Aud: You do that last song justice.

    DB: Oh, thanks a lot. I’m going to reserve judgment about that from my perspective [crowd laughs], but I really appreciate yours. With a tune like that, I get so much pleasure from playing it that that’s enough for now.

    Aud: Can you talk about your songwriting process a little bit?

    DB: Sure. In the beginning I had to get like, 3 to 10 seconds, 1 line all at once – the lyrics, the melody, and the chords – and it could be a line in a chorus or the first line of the verse or something like that. That’s the only way that most of those tunes that I wrote came about – and then, in that little bit, there would be the DNA for the rest of the song implied. So then you spend a little bit of time kind of discovering that. Now, y’know, there are all kinds of amazing resources available – the book “Songwriters on Songwriting”, there’s blogs online, peoples’ interviews… any way that I’ve ever heard of anybody writing a song now, I just try it out at some point. Music first, lyrics first, melody without any music first, then do the music later, because the melody kind of implies the harmony. Sometimes I’ll just listen to bands – like LCD Soundsystem is a good example – those records, it evokes “He must have gone about it this way, he must have started with the drum machine first.” Even if that’s not true at all, then I’ll sort of make a recipe based on what it feels like to me, and then I’ll try that. Sometimes I’ll cast a really wide net because I’m just stuck, and lost, so I’ll just try a bunch of different ways. But if stuff is coming pretty good, then I’ll just stick to one thing. For me, it’s just all about trying. Try, try, try, try… just always have to put a little deposit in the bank of songwriting every day, or as often as I can, and then, y’know, expect some small return on the amount of work that I do.

    Crowd Q&A #4…

    DB: It’s tough for me – I’ve been thinking a lot about… there’s this particular singer that I was reminded of after saying that thing about W, who suggests in a song that he might be as bad of a person as John Wayne Gacy. That sentiment always drives me crazy – growing up Christian, that’s a pretty popular idea, and it’s just the least useful thing that I can think of. As though it’s not that different imagining killing a bunch of people and killing a bunch of people. Any other concerns at this point in the show?

    Me: It feels like the wait for the new album is a lot shorter than for “Branches”… is there a reason that it came about easier than that one? Maybe it’s because the Electrical Audio [live in-studio album release in 2010] thing made it seem shorter…

    DB: It was quite a bit shorter. Between the time the EP first came out and “Branches” was 3 years, and this is about half the time – it’s going to be about 18 months. I do think that having made “Branches”… it was just a big relief and I felt free to kind of tackle anything at that point – that “Branches” was a record that apparently, I didn’t really realize it, but I needed to make a record that kind of addressed that issue that had sort of defined me as a person and how people perceived the music that I made for a lot of years. So, having done that, it’s just a lot easier to make up songs, and I don’t feel like as much is riding on each song, for some reason – I’m not quite as precious about it now. And, also, it’s been really helpful to have a band again. When I was making “Branches” and the EP, I wasn’t playing with guys live, it was just solo, so I was doing all the multitracking myself. This time I was able to utilize the bass player and drummer that y’all might have seen at TTs a few times. So that was really helpful, too. It was a little bit of everything. Also, I just thought, I can’t… I’m trying to keep this thing afloat now so I can’t really just wait another 3 years. It’s time to make a record. And I had done that before to good effect, and so I thought, it’s not really a compromise creatively to just, like, hurry up and make a record… that in some cases, different, maybe cooler stuff can come out when I’m deliberately not being so precious about every little thing. And in the end, a buddy, my friend Yuuki [Matthews] was around and helped kind of co-produce the record, which was a big help, so I was able to stay zoomed-in the entire time, because he was zoomed-out, like playing Angry Birds on his phone, and he’d kind of pop his head up and be like “Y’know, I don’t really think that that’s really what you should do there…”, “Oh, cool…”, and then I’d stay zoomed-in the entire time… so it was a much quicker process.

    Me: It also feels like the announcement of the album coming and the release is super-short… why is that, and are you purposefully not doing the whole pre-release preview song and that whole deal?

    DB: Well, we’re trying to shorten the gap between “Hey, the record’s coming out…” and the record being out to the Radiohead model of just, like, “A new record… tomorrow!”, or like “A new record on Saturday and…psych! We’re going to do it tomorrow instead…” because I just want fans of the records and not professional music journalists to get the… I want everybody to get the record at the same time. Especially with this record. A lot of you all pitched in and helped us fund the record, and there are people that didn’t do that have the record first and that bothers me… but that’s part of the old kind of model. So we begged the label… last time they wanted six months so that they could really set it up, and get all the press in order that they wanted to. And this time we said “Sorry, like, you have three months and that’s how it’s gonna be…” They could have fought us on it, but they didn’t. So, we’re just trying to shrink it every time, to where at a certain point it’ll just be like “Here you go… the record’s done… and now it’s out.” How have you liked seeing that? Is that exciting or is that troubling..?

    Me: I actually like the experience of hearing an album all at once instead of getting one or two songs… even though I’m sort of guilty of sharing things before they come out… that’s sort of what I do… [crowd laughs]… not without permission, of course… but I really like listening through a whole album and not saying “Oh, there’s that song I’ve heard a million times already… and here comes the next one four songs later…”. I’m really psyched to experience all as one thing. Hearing some of them now [performed solo acoustic], not to say that it takes away from it, but it’s such a different experience from the way they will sound that it still feels like it doesn’t take away from it…

    DB: That was something we wondered… y’know, because we really also made an effort to not… the band hasn’t played any of the tunes on any tours, I’ve played 3 or 4 of them solo, we’ve tried to keep them off the internet, so you can’t overplay ‘em. You get that one time… I mean, if you record it, you could listen to it however much you want I guess… but we’ve really tried to make it to where when people get the record they’re hearing everything for the first time…

    Me [sheepishly]: Yeah, I won’t be sharing the recording [before the album comes out].. just so you know…

    DB: Oh, yeah, sure, whatever… it’s the way that things go, often. You eventually should definitely feel that you could… that’ll be funny, very meta, if people listen to this on your recording of it.

    So, yeah, I think that things are changing in some ways, and in some ways it’s scaring a lot of people. We certainly have to be more careful about things in some ways, but our priority the whole time is being vindicated more and more – where it’s just about you guys and interacting with fans. Like, we’ve stopped going to South by Southwest… if a music journalist has their regular-person-fan-hat on then I’m happy to interact with them, because that’s the thing that I care about, but the clout that supposedly music journalists have, or the traction with people from labels – I just care less and less about that, because I feel like the real meaningful connection that we’ve made with people over the years has been just like people telling other people, peer-to-peer, just everybody saying “Hey, check out this band” or “Come to the show with me”, those are kind of the lasting connections. The connections that we’ve made from people seeing our name in a magazine or something else, maybe aren’t as meaningful or don’t last as long. So I’m not interested in chasing any of that stuff, and haven’t been for awhile. But I feel like I’m more and more allowed to think that way and not feel rebellious or irresponsible somehow.

    Me: Does the label feel… are they resistant to you not doing that kind of stuff?

    DB: Yeah, they really believe in the splash, still, when the record comes out, and the amount of impressions that you’re trying to stack up with publicity and stuff like that. I’m not going to say that that doesn’t do anything, but… I mean, it’s difficult to crunch those numbers, but… I feel like I got waaay more famous when “Branches” came out for roughly the same amount of people buying the record that would have bought the record if I hadn’t gotten any more famous. And that’s not that cool to me. I’d rather 90% of the people who listen to my records actually know my name or ponder me as a person, that it’s just about the music and the records, rather than, like, name recognition going way up. And I know that’s part of having a career and being big, or whatever, but I don’t know… I just would rather… yeah. So, yeah, that’s a value of theirs, and because they’re making the investment, we honor their ideas about it, to a certain degree. But then when they say, “Well, we want to do this endcap at Best Buy”, you just say “Fuck you, like, no. We’re not going to pay $9,000 to have 50 endcaps at Best Buy.” Like, I don’t care about that store, I hope that store burns. I think that they’ve helped destroy so many things that I care about. That model, that business model, that way of thinking, so… yeah, so we have conflict about it. The thing is that… we’re in such a good position because we’re just really content, Bob [Andrews, Dave’s manager at Undertow] and I. We’re content with what my prospects are, like, if I go out and play music then I can make a living do that, and that’s great. And the label, usually the carrots they have to dangle are like “If you jump through these hoops then you can be really super-famous and get on TV…”, and blah blah blah, and it’s like “Well… nah. We’re going to go do this other thing… I’m going to go on tour for six weeks instead and just kind of gut it out.”, y’know? So that’s an ongoing thing, a conflict we have going on over there. But they’re reasonable people, and they understand. They get a lot less complaints from us than they do from other bands who are like “Why aren’t more people into our band and why aren’t we getting paid more?” and like blahblahblahblahblah. “Because not as many people care about your music than you think should?”… I don’t know. You’re probably better suited to answer that question.

    Crowd Q&A #5…

    DB: So that was a pretty long rant… those are things I think about a lot. You ever read that Lefsetz guy? Pretty fascinating character. Sometimes it feels like theory that doesn’t meet up with our everyday… there’s a guy named Bob Lefsetz who’s kind of like an industry insider, in the major label world for awhile, and then he quit all that and… he just skis and… I don’t know what he does, he lives in Vale or something? He writes pretty scathing, sort of, little blog rants about the music industry that are pretty interesting. He seems on point most of the time… Did LCD Soundsystem just play their Madison Square Garden show?

    Aud: Yeah, last night…

    DB: Are there reports of what it looked like in there…

    Aud: Pitchfork had it live to webstream. It was awesome…

    DB: The question that I was wondering is because the way that scalping and all that stuff works, which kind of came out when the tickets sales were… was it like full of people that were fans of the band? Or was that possible to see? Was there any reporting on that?

    Aud: It was hard to tell from the video… but I was actually surprised by how good the quality was, and there were actually cameras on stage, so you could see a lot of the band as opposed to the audience members. But it seemed like everyone in the audience was loving it.

    DB: Oh yeah. Well they’re an unbelievable band. That’s great. I’m glad that that thing went down how it did, because I think that James Murphy is a pretty credible dude, and for him to get caught with his pants down with the ticketing thing, I think that he clearly was able to weather that and still bring attention to the super-crazy way that it still works, as far as all that stuff goes. So many aspects of American culture, even, and especially, rock and roll culture, is so pretend. There’s just so much pretend things that are happening, it’s pretty hilarious…

    Crowd Q&A #6…

    Aud: While we’re on some music industry questions, I don’t know if you had any reflections on Arcade Fire winning a Grammy, in terms of a pop-culture event?

    DB: Well, you can imagine what I think of the Grammys… [crowd laughs]… I think that those little bits and pieces are hopeful. I think that if people who aren’t necessarily paying attention in general pick up an Arcade Fire record that that’s a potentially really good thing, because their records are pretty complex compared to other music that people might be buying. So that’s hopeful. I mean, the Grammys, like so many other institutions inside and outside the music industry, I think we’d just be better off without… all those awards shows, particularly in regards to music. It’s really off to the side of anything that’s really actually going on, I think. Sometimes with exceptions… I mean, even then, though, if the first Arcade Fire record would have won a Grammy, I think that would have been more appropriate. I think they still had all their teeth at that point. I think that they’re still really trying to make important records, but… they’re trying to make important records also now, too. And it can get kind of weird… when you know you’re a big deal, it’s harder to hear what’s really going on, I think.

    Aud: What do you think about Kory Kruckenberg winning a Grammy?

    DB: Yeah! So our friend Kory won a Grammy for engineering… what was it… classical music?

    Aud: Yeah…

    DB: Just when I feel the most negative about some of those things, a friend of mine will win it and you don’t want to take it away from them – it’s a cool distinction – because Kory’s a great engineer, really quiet guy, just keeps his head down and does good work in town, and so when people like that get recognized for anything it’s pretty interesting. And those things are probably more valid than the big sort of showy album-of-the-year kind of things, because it really is just craftspeople being rewarded by their peers in sort of a more quiet way… I mean, it could be at the convention center at the Hyatt, on that level. I think that those things are actually handed out at a convention center at the Hyatt rather than on TV.


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    Day 2
    Don't Get Lemon, Clone,
    Lip Smear, Dutch Experts,
    Blood Handome, and
    guest DJ Dragnet
    @ the Middle East Upstairs

    Saturday, April 12th
    Hot Stove Cool Music
    25th Anniversary Show
    Celebrating 25 Years of
    Music, Baseball & Giving
    ft. Greg Hawkes from The Cars
    w/ Eddie Japan doing Cars songs,
    plus the Hot Stove All-Stars with
    Peter Gammons, Theo Epstein,
    Kay Hanley, Bill Janovitz, Will Dailey,
    and other MLB & Music Legends
    @Paradise Rock Club

    Saturday, April 12th
    Franz Ferdinand
    @ the Orpheum

    Saturday, April 12th
    Justin Lally (album release!)
    Holding Napoleon
    Ivy Boy
    Audrey Ryan & friends
    @ the Loft, Somerville

    Sunday, April 13th
    (Terry Chambers & friends)
    @ City Winery

    Sunday, April 13th
    @ Agganis Arena

    Monday, April 14th
    Everyone Asked About You
    @ the Sinclair

    Tuesday, April 15th
    Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
    St. Vincent
    @ Agganis Arena

    Wednesday, April 16th
    L.S. Dunes
    From Indian Lakes
    Night Sins
    @ the SInclair

    Wednesday, April 16th
    Trash Sun (solo set)
    Donna Revving
    Ethan W
    @ the Silhouette

    Wednesday, April 16th
    Immaterial Possessions
    @ O'Brien's

    Thursday, April 17th
    Dead Boys
    Richard Lloyd Group
    (of Television)
    @ Deep Cuts

    Thursday, April 17th
    Robber Robber
    @ the Rockwell

    Thursday, April 17th
    Jon King (Gang of Four)
    presents his new memoir
    "To Hell with Poverty!" in
    conversation with Jim Sullivan
    7pm @ Harvard Book Store

    Thursday, April 17th
    Mercury Rev
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Friday, April 18th
    Mount Eerie
    Hana Stretton
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, April 18th
    Bright Eyes
    @ House of Blues

    Saturday, April 19th
    The Fixx
    Jill Sobule
    @ the Cabot, Beverly

    Saturday, April 19th
    "Wonderful & Strange: A Tribute to
    David Lynch" with Annie Hart
    (Au Revoir Simone, TP: The Return),
    Julee Cruise Director
    (all-femme & nonbinary supergroup channeling the TP soundtrack)
    PLUS a recreated Double R Diner!
    Damn fine pie by Feast & the Fable!
    Killer Bob drag by Celia Smokinbutts!
    A Red Room photo booth!
    A costume contest & much more!
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Saturday, Sunday, & Tuesday
    April 19th, 20th, & 21st
    Ani DiFranco
    @ the Somerville Theatre

    Sunday, April 20th
    Gang of Four
    "The Long Goodbye" farewell tour
    playing "Entertainment!" & more
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Sunday, April 20th
    Jay Aston's
    Gene Loves Jezebel
    Slim Jim Phantom (Stray Cats)
    Belouis Some
    @ City Winery

    Sunday & Monday
    April 20th & 21st
    Lucy Dacus
    Katie Gavin
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Tuesday, April 22nd
    Ben Kweller
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Tuesday, April 22nd
    Alejandro Escovedo
    @ City Winery

    Wednesday, April 23rd
    Dweezil Zappa
    @ the Cabot in Beverly

    Wednesday, April 23rd
    Bartees Strange
    Ekko Astral
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Wednesday, April 23rd
    The Linda Lindas
    @ the Paradise

    Thursday, April 24th
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Thursday, April 24th
    The Mary Wallopers
    @ Big Night Live

    Thursday, April 24th
    Christian Death
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday, April 25th
    Sidewalk Driver
    @ Deep Cuts

    Friday & Saturday
    April 25th & 26th
    The Town and the City Festival!
    @ various venues in Lowell

    Saturday, April 26th
    Poison the Well
    Better Lovers
    Teenage Wrist
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, April 27th
    Beach Bunny
    Pool Kids
    Jayla Kai
    @ House of Blues

    Sunday, April 27th
    Indigo Girls
    Melissa Etheridge
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday, April 30th
    Twin Tribes
    @ Big Night Live

    Wednesday, April 30th
    Militarie Gun
    Age of Apocalypse
    @ the Middle East

    Thursday, May 1st
    Deep Sea Diver
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Thursday, May 1st
    Sharon Van Etten
    & the Attachment Theory
    Love Spells
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, May 2nd
    Bob Mould & his band
    J. Robbins & his band
    @ the Paradise

    Saturday, May 3th
    @ The Sinclair

    Saturday, May 3rd
    Baby Rose
    @ Roadrunner

    Tuesday, June 3rd
    @ Xfinity Center

    Sunday, May 4th
    The Queers
    @ the Middle East Upstairs

    Sunday, May 4th
    Tim Hecker
    @ Crystal Ballroom

    Sunday, May 4th
    @ Gillette Stadium

    Wednesday, May 7th
    Japanese Breakfast
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday, May 7th
    Sea Wolf (solo)
    @ the Haymarket Lounge
    @ City Winery

    Wednesday, May 7th
    Johnny Echols
    @ City Winery

    Thursday, May 8th
    Napalm Death
    @ the Paradise

    Thursday, May 8th
    Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Friday, May 9th
    "50 Years of De-Evolution...Continued!" @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, May 10th
    The Hilken Mancini Band
    (the long-awaited LP release party!)
    with The Cujo (feat. Jen Trynin)
    & Mary Lou Lord
    @ Sonia

    Saturday, May 10th
    William Tyler
    @ Warehouse XI

    Saturday, May 10th
    Advance Base
    Kristin Daelyn
    Puppy Problems
    @ the Cantab Lounge

    Saturday, May 10th
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Sunday, May 11th
    Mint Green
    @ Deep Cuts

    Sunday, May 11th
    The Queers
    @ the Middle East

    Sunday, May 11th
    @ the Sinclair

    Monday, May 12th
    Kendrick Lamar
    @ Gillette Stadium

    Wednesday, May 14th
    My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult
    Die Krupps
    @ Roadrunner

    Thursday, May 15th
    Pet Symmetry
    Jimmy Montague
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Saturday, May 17th
    @ the Rockwell

    Saturday, May 17th
    Sunflower Bean
    @ Deep Cuts

    Saturday, May 17th
    Prize Horse
    @ the Royale

    Saturday, May 17th
    Amyl & the Sniffers
    Sheer Mag
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday & Sunday
    May 17th & 18th
    Amy Poehler & Tina Fey
    @ the Wang

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    May 20th & 21st
    Hamilton Leithauser
    (of the Walkmen)
    & Johanna Samuels
    @ the Sinclair

    Thursday, May 22nd
    Slide Away Presents:
    Mark Robinson
    Her New Knife
    Beach-O (film)
    @ the Paradise

    Thursday, May 22nd
    Peter Bjorn and John
    "Writers Block" album tour
    @ the Sinclair

    Saturday, May 24th
    The Wedding Present
    "Bizarro" 35th Anniversary Tour
    with The Tubs
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, Saturday, & Sunday
    May 23rd, 24th, & 25th
    Boston Calling Music Festival
    @ the Harvard Athletic Complex

    Wednesday, May 28th
    Scott Thompson
    (of Kids in the Hall)
    is Buddy Cole
    @ City Winery Boston

    Wednesday, May 28th
    Barry Manilow
    "the last Boston concert"
    @ the Garden

    Thursday, May 29th
    Annie Dirusso
    Squirrel Flower
    @ the Paradise

    Friday, May 30th
    Allegra Krieger
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Friday, May 30th
    Eldridge Rodriguez
    @ the Crystal Ballroom

    Friday, May 30th
    Teddy Swims
    @ Suffolk Downs

    Friday, May 30th
    OK GO
    @ the Royale

    Friday, May 30th
    Billie Marten
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, May 30th
    Bloc Party
    (performing "Silent Alarm" & more)
    with Metric
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, May 31st
    Band of Skulls
    @ Roadrunner

    Sunday, June 1st
    Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals
    @ Roadrunner

    Wednesday, June 4th
    Young Widows
    Rid of Me
    Kal Marks
    @ Crystal Ballroom

    Thursday, June 5th
    Dean Wareham
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, June 6th
    Aimee Mann
    Jonathan Coulton
    @ the Wilbur

    Friday, June 6th
    Jack's Mannequin
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, June 6th
    Sleigh Bells
    @ the Paradise

    Friday, June 6th
    The Ocean Blue
    playing their self-titled LP
    and their "Cerulean" LP
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Saturday, June 7th
    Lily Seabird
    @ the Lilypad

    Saturday, June 7th
    Toby Tantrum
    Sun Urchins
    Yoni Gordon
    Audrey Ryan & friends
    @ the Loft, Somerville

    Tuesday, June 10th
    Heart Attack Man
    The Dirty Nil
    Dear Seattle
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    June 10th & 11th
    Queens of the Stone Age
    The Kills
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
    June 10th, 12th, & 13th
    Paul Simon
    @ the Wang

    Wednesday, June 11th
    "Peripheral Vision" tour
    with Balance & Composure
    & Citizen
    @ the House of Blues

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    June 10th & 11th
    Queens of the Stone Age
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, June 15th
    Simple Minds
    Soft Cell
    Modern English
    @ Xfinity Center

    Sunday, June 15th
    @ The Sinclair

    Thursday, June 19th
    @ the Sinclair

    Thursday, June 19th
    This Will Destroy You
    Jesse Beaman
    @ Sonia

    Thursday, June 26th
    Counting Crows
    The Gaslight Anthem
    @MGM Music Hall

    Friday, June 27th
    John Carroll Kirby
    @ Suffolk Downs

    Saturday, June 28th
    Godspeed You! Black Emperor
    Alan Sparhawk
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday, June 28th
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Sunday, June 29th
    @ the Middle East

    Monday, July 7th
    @ House of Blues

    Friday, July 11th
    Cap'n Jazz
    Coffin Prick
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, July 11th
    Wu-Tang Clan (final tour)
    with Run the Jewels
    @ the Garden

    Tuesday, July 15th
    Weird Al Yankovic
    @ the Wang

    Wednesday, July 16th
    Johnny Dowd
    @ City Winery

    Thursday, July 17th
    Cyndi Lauper's
    Farewell Tour
    with Jake Wesley Rogers
    @ Xfinity Center

    Thursday & Friday
    July 17th & 18th
    The Lumineers
    Young the Giant (on the 17th)
    St. Vincent (on the 18th)
    Hippo Campus
    @ Fenway Park

    Friday, July 18th
    Samantha Crain
    @ Warehouse XI

    Friday, July 18th
    Dinosaur Jr.
    Snail Mail
    Easy Action
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday & Saturday
    July 18th & 19th
    performing "Bossanova"
    & "Trompe Le Monde" (18th)
    and a set of classics (19th)
    with Kurt Vile & the Violators
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Saturday, July 19th &
    Friday, September 5th
    Men I Trust
    @ Roadrunner

    Monday, July 21st
    @ TD Garden

    Saturday, July 26th
    Christopher Cross
    Men At Work
    @ Leader Bank Pavilion

    Saturday, July 26th
    Rod Stewart
    Cheap Trick
    @ the Xfinity Center

    Tuesday, July 29th
    Goo Goo Dolls
    Dashboard Confessional
    @ the Pavilion

    Wednesday, July 30th
    The "Happy Together" Tour
    featuring The Turtles,
    Jay & the Americans,
    Little Anthony, Mark Lindsay
    (of Paul Revere & the Raiders),
    The Vogues, & the Cowsills
    @ Lynn Auditorium

    Wednesday, July 30th
    The Offspring
    Jimmy Eat World
    New Found Glory
    @ Xfinity Center

    Friday, August 1st
    LOST 80's LIVE
    with A Flock of Seagulls,
    Big Country, General Public,
    The Vapors, Belouis Some,
    The Icicle Works, China Crisis,
    Josie Cotton, Polecats,
    and more
    @ the Wang

    Saturday, August 2nd
    Amon Amarth
    @ Great Woods

    Wednesday, August 13th
    @ The Sinclair

    Friday, August 15th
    The Doobie Brothers
    The Coral Reefer Band
    @ Xfinity Center

    Tuesday & Wednesday
    August 26th & 27th
    James Taylor
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Friday, August 29th
    Nine Inch Nails
    @ the Garden

    Saturday, August 30th
    Coheed & Cambria
    Taking Back Sunday
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, September 7th
    The Outlaw Music Festival
    10th Anniversary Tour
    @ the Xfinity Center

    Sunday, September 7th
    Rilo Kiley
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Sunday, September 7th
    My Chemical Romance
    @ Fenway Park

    Thursday, September 11th
    Bruce Dickinson
    (Iron Maiden)
    @ the House of Blues

    Friday, September 12th
    The Brian's Jonestown Massacre
    @ the Sinclair

    Friday, September 12th
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Friday, September 12th
    Saturday, September 13th
    Black Moth Super Rainbow
    Ricky Eat Acid
    @ the Sinclair

    Sunday, Sept 14th
    Alabama Shakes
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Wednesday, September 17th
    Alison Krauss & Union Station
    Willie Watson
    @ the Pavilion

    Tuesday, September 23rd
    Viagra Boys
    @ Roadrunner

    Friday, September 26th
    The Memorials
    @ the Royale

    Saturday, September 27th
    Car Seat Headrest
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Thursday, October 2nd
    @ Roadrunner

    Saturday & Sunday
    October 4th & 5th
    An Inconceivable Evening
    with Cary Elwes
    & a screening of
    The Princess Bride
    @ the Wilbur

    Wednesday, October 8th
    The Murder Capital
    @ Sonia

    Friday, October 10th
    @ the Paradise

    Saturday, October 11th
    @ the House of Blues

    Monday, October 13th
    My Morning Jacket
    @ MGM Music Hall

    Tuesday, October 21st
    Local H
    @ Big Night Live

    Thursday, October 23rd
    "King" 30th Anniversary Tour!
    @ the Paradise

    Saturday, October 25th
    Minus The Bear
    @ the House of Blues

    Monday, October 27th
    Mark Broom
    @ Brighton Music Hall

    Wednesday, October 29th
    The Beta Band
    @ the Royale

    Friday & Saturday
    November 7th & 8th
    Steve Martin & Martin Short
    three shows @ the Wang

    Thursday, November 13th
    Janeane Garofalo
    @ the Somerville Armory

    Monday, November 24th
    Patti Smith
    Horses 50th Anniversary Tour
    @ the Orpheum