[Live MP3s] Silkworm at Great Scott, Allston 2004
Posted on November 12, 2004 at 10:53 am | No Comments
(update 12/28/2010: Re-upped the set, doubled the encoding size. You’re welcome.)
Memo to myself: You are definitely not too old to check out late-running rock shows on weeknights. You are, however, too old to stay up for an additional three hours, editing audio files and playing Halo 2. Three hours of sleep doesn’t come close to cutting it.
So I’m paying for it this morning, but oh it was so worth it. Not the Halo 2 part, although that was pretty fun. I’m talking about seeing Silkworm and the Karl Hendricks Trio at Great Scott in Allston last night. Or was it this morning? It’s kind of a blur. I blame the bands (and the Dunkies coffee) for getting me so wired up I couldn’t get to sleep afterwards.

They ended up playing a 14-song set that seemed all too short. Y’know, I’ve never had a less than great time at a Silkworm show, and while this set wasn’t as mind-bending as the last couple times I’ve seen ’em, it was inspiring as always. Felt a little bad that they didn’t have a larger crowd, but they were up against the Blues Explosion down the street and Pedro the Lion across the river. The show also got very little promotion, as it was at the relatively unknown (at least for rock shows) Great Scott’s in Allston. Much thanks to The Plan for giving these guys a place to play.
Here, have some live mp3s from last night. I stayed up late so you didn’t have to…
Live at The Plan / Great Scott
Allston, MA, Nov. 11th, 2004
01. Swings
02. Eff
03. Penalty Box
04. Raging Bull
05. Slave Wages
06. Lily White & Cherry Red
07. Insomnia
08. The Third
09. The Old You
10. The Operative
11. Is She A Sign?
12. (I Hope You) Don’t Survive
13. Don’t Look Back
I guessed at the titles of the new ones. I also got a few songs from the Karl Hendricks Trio set, so I’ll be posting those sometime soon. They’re good, but not quite good enough to keep me up another hour this morning. I’m not sure anything is.
Tonight: A sold-out Arcade Fire show at TT the Bears. Keep an eye out for mp3s from that one over the weekend. I hope.
I’ve never been more in need of a power nap than I am right now.
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