More on Michael Dahlquist
Posted on July 22, 2005 at 9:31 am | No Comments
It’s been a week now since the news spread rapidly around message boards and music news sites. Since fans & friends of Chicago-area musicians Michael Dahlquist, Doug Meis, and John Glick learned that they were suddenly, still incomprehensibly, gone.
While I’d never met Doug or John, it’s a measure of the man and musician Michael was that so many people have been impacted by his death. That people, like me, who’d only spoke with him a few times at Silkworm shows, or even just followed along with his always-entertaining tour diary, felt the loss more deeply than expected. The words and tributes that keep on coming make it all the harder to take, while at the same time they remind us how lucky we were to have known of the guy at all.
Some places to visit…
A wonderful tribute site for the three friends, containing lots of up-to-date links about their lives and the loss. Michael’s homemade acapella video for the Silkworm song ‘Treat The New Guy Right‘. The man sure did love his band. Matador label guy Gerard Cosloy says goodbye to Michael on his blog, Can’t Stop The Bleeding. Keep a little kleenex handy, because Steve Albini’s letter in the new Chicago Reader is bound to make you tear up a bit. Even if you didn’t know Michael, it may make you feel like you did. Or at the very least, wish you’d gotten the chance.
And finally, my friend Eric kindly said it was ok to post a couple photos he took at Monday’s wake in Chicago, when friends and family got together to both grieve and celebrate Michael’s life. No faces here, that’d be too invasive, too disrespectful to the moment, but here are a couple that he was comfortable taking and sharing…
The second one is such a kicker, having seen him beat the crap out of that kit so many times, and especially after having read Albini’s letter. The idea that he’ll never sit behind it again, gardening gloves on and shirt off, will never sink in.
If any ‘Nac readers out there in Boston-town are up for getting together for a beer this evening, raising a glass or two (or more) for Michael, drop me an email or a comment. Amie’s got girls-night-out, and I could sure use a drink.
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