[Live MP3s] Acid House Kings in Cambridge, MA
Posted on August 15, 2006 at 2:49 pm | No Comments
The companion post to last week’s live set from The Legends, here’s their label and tourmates, Acid House Kings. I was woefully unaware AHK’s 15-year history before the show was announced, but familiarized myself a bit with their self-described Swedish guitar pop before they got to town. Their brand of pop is a bit more pure than The Legends, a little on the lighter side, with guy/girl vocals and enough songs of love to give you a couple new cavities (just look at the titles below). They’re damn infectious, moreso when their charming selves are right in front of you, and I’m not exaggerating when I say my cheeks ached from smiling throughout their set.
Here it is…

Live at TT the Bears
Cambridge, MA
Monday, July 10th, 2006
[Download the whole set in one zip file]
01. First Time
02. Yes, You Love Me
03. The Heart Is A Stone
04. Sunday Morning
05. That’s Because You Drive Me
06. Keep Your Love
07. Tonight Is Forever
08. This Love Is All We Need
09. Do What You Wanna Do
10. Say Yes If You Love Me
11. London School Of Economics
12. We Are The Acid House Kings
13. banter
14. Summer Nights
A few of the songs they played can be found on their latest disc, last year’s “Sing Along With The Acid House Kings“, others come from 2002’s “Mondays Are Like Tuesdays and Tuesdays Are Like Wednesdays“, and even as far back as 1997’s “Advantage Acid House Kings“. The TTs crowd was enamored enough to force them into one more encore song than they planned on: an apparently long-ago-learned cover of “Summer Nights” from the Grease soundtrack. What they missed in the lyrics they made up for with enthusiasm, and the crowd helped fill in some gaps. Like I said, I couldn’t help grinning and I wasn’t alone.
You’ll notice comparing the photos above to those from The Legends post that there’s more than a little member-sharing going on within the touring versions of the two bands. In fact, four out of five Legends became four of the six Acid House Kings on stage, with the two front-people (singer Julia Lannerheim and singer/guitarist Niklas Angergard) exclusive to AHK’s studio version along with Legends mastermind Johan Angergard (yes, they’re brothers) on second guitar. At least I think I’ve got that straight. So it makes even more sense that the two bands would team up for dates, including those seven U.S. shows they played last month. Be nice to see them return in the not-so-distant future and hit up some cities that missed out.
Some Acid House links…

the fine print… If anyone has any issue whatsoever with this live set being made available, just say the word (email link at bottom left). Recorded with a Sony ECM-719 mic and a Sony MZ-RH10 minidisc, converted to .wav and then edited to 192kbps mp3s. Mp3s are made available for a limited time, and are not reposted once removed.
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