Mp3s: Kevin Drew & Broken Social Scene live
Posted on November 26, 2007 at 12:02 am | No Comments
Back in late August, Broken Social Scene‘s Kevin Drew brought a couple of his BSS bandmates and a few new recruits (including American Analog Set‘s Andrew Kenny) to the small stage of TT the Bears in Cambridge for a special MySpace-sponsored show. It marked the live debut of this new BSS incarnation, specially designed to deliver songs from Drew’s as-of-then-not-yet-released “Spirit If…” solo disc. I wrote about the show here, and didn’t offer up my recording in deference to Kevin’s wishes, but now that the album’s been out a couple months, sketchy YouTube live clips abound, and the band’s extensive touring is nearly over (see the last string of dates below), I’ve decided to share these well-worth-hearing Mp3s. Scroll down even further for some more BSS/KD aural goodness…
Sam Goldberg, Brendan Canning, & Kevin Drew of BSS
Broken Social Scene presents
Kevin Drew’s “Spirit If…”
Live at TT the Bears
in Cambridge, Massachusetts
on Tuesday, August 28th, 2007
1. Intro (banter)
2. Lucky Ones
3. Safety Bricks
4. F–ked Up Kids
5. Tbtf
6. Backed Out On The…
7. Hit the Wall (Brendan Canning song)
8. Farewell to the Pressure Kids
9. bss presents john legend (banter)
10. Broke Me Up
11. Bodhi Sappy Weekend
12. Frightening Lives
13. Happy Birthday Cameron Drew
14. Superconnected
15. Canada vs. America (BSS)
16. who’s in love? (banter)
17. Lover’s Spit (BSS)
18. nixing the encore (BSS)
19. Major Label Debut (BSS)
Sam Goldberg, Andrew Kenny, Kevin Drew, & Bill Piddle of BSS
Some additional links & songs…
Additional Audio: The entirety of “Spirit If…” can be streamed at Kevin’s Arts & Crafts page (just click on the “discography” link there), and at his MySpace page you can stream “Lucky Ones, Frightening Lives, Big Love,” and “Bodhi Sappy Weekend“. NPR Music streamed last Sunday’s BSS presents Kevin Drew set in Washington, DC, which marked their final U.S. date of the year. Here’s what they played, along with times you can find each song in the stream…
BSS presents Kevin Drew’s “Spirit If…”, live at the 9:30 club in Washington, DC, November 18th, 2007: Lucky Ones, Cause = Time (7:48), F–cked Up Kids (17:06), Safety Bricks (23:02), tbtf (28:00), Stars and Sons (33:40), Frightening Lives (38:20), Backed Out On The… (46:00), Superconnected (50:45), band intros (59:20), Hard to Find (1:01:11), Farewell to the Pressure Kids (1:05:30), Major Label Debut (1:14:25), Kennel District (Pavement) (1:19:33), Feel the Pain (Dino Jr.) (1:22:19), Lover’s Spit (1:28:46), It’s All Gonna Break (1:38:45), When It Begins (1:53:36)
As you can see, the band threw in a couple seminal covers (Pavement, and a loose Dino Jr. one), and thankfully played the one American Analog Set song they took to including in their sets, “Hard To Find“. I’ve pulled out the Pavement cover, the AmAnSet song, and my favorite track off “Spirit If…” here…
Video: The dinosaur-party clip for “Backed Out On The…“ showed up back in July. Lots of fan-shot live vids from the tour can be found via a Kevin Drew YouTube search. Tour dates: The band plays their final dates of 2007 in Canada…
Wednesday, Dec. 5th in Kingston, Ontario @ Stages
Thursday, Dec. 6th, Montreal, Quebec @ Le National
Friday, Dec. 7th, Ottawa, Ontario @ Capital Music Hall
Saturday, Dec. 8th, Toronto, Ontario @ Kool Haus
Friday, Dec. 14th, Calgary, Alberta @ MacEwan Ballroom
Saturday, Dec. 15th, Edmonton, AB @ Edmonton Events CentrePurchase: Support the artists that help make your life better: buy your Kevin Drew and Broken Social Scene releases here. Stream all ‘Nac-hosted Mp3s at the Hype Machine.
the fine print… If anyone has an issue with these Mp3s being made available, just let me know (my contact info in the ‘nac faq). Live sets recorded with a Sony ECM-719 mic and a Sony MZ-RH10 minidisc, converted to .wav and then edited to 192kbps Mp3s. Files are made available for a limited time, and are not reposted once removed.
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