[Live MP3s] The Album Leaf in Cambridge, MA 2006
Posted on November 28, 2006 at 1:10 pm | No Comments
I’m not sure I’ve ever met an Album Leaf song I didn’t like, and I’ve met so many that I flat-out love. Whenever a new album from Jimmy LaValle arrives, it becomes my personal soundtrack for the season, and it’s been no different since “Into The Blue Again” came out in a couple months back. My gateway fix was “The MP” off 2001’s “One Day I’ll Be On Time“, and everything since has had me looking forward to release dates and tour schedules. He can change up keyboards, add supporting players, even throw in the occasional vocal; it all works for me.
And the live shows have never failed to inspire, even this most recent one, during which some in the crowd tried their blabbering best to ruin the mood. The more popular the A.L. becomes, the larger the audiences get, the greater chance for chatterboxes… it’s a whiny broken record I’ll resist playing again. Just bummed that my best live Album Leaf experiences may be behind me, and it’s no fault of LaValle’s… comes with the territory and the talent. My ability to mentally block out the blather was challenged, but I prevailed (if only there was such a filter on my recorder).
Here’s their set from a few weeks back in Cambridge, MA, which featured maybe the best live A.L. lineup I’ve seen yet, and drop-in appearances from the guys in the excellent Lymbyc Systym, who opened for them on the just-finished U.S. tour…

Live at the Middle East Downstairs
in Cambridge, MA
on Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
[ download the 15 tracks in one zip file ]
01. The Light
02. Always For You
03. Shine
04. Writings On The Wall
05. Twentytwofourteen
06. The Outer Banks
07. Red Eye
08. See In You
09. Brennivin
10. On Your Way
11. Into The Sea
12. Wherever I Go
13. Thule
14. Micro Melodies *
15. Malmo
* thanks to ‘Nac reader Mark for letting me know that “Micro Melodies”
can be found on the Album Leaf’s out-of-print “Red Tour Ep 2005”
A few related links…

and just in case… If anyone has an issue with this live set being made available, just say the word (contact info in the ‘nac faq). Recorded with a Sony ECM-719 mic and a Sony MZ-RH10 minidisc, converted to .wav and then edited to 192kbps mp3s. Mp3s are made available for a limited time, and are not reposted once removed.
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