Operation: Funspot
Posted on October 16, 2003 at 8:52 am | No Comments
This Saturday, the Boston World Explorers Foundation broadens it’s area of exploration (and it’s usual historically-slanted agenda) with a roadtrip to the north. Destination? New Hampshire’s one-and-only Funspot, the self-proclaimed “Spot for Fun”. Why there? From the Funspot website: “It is the second largest arcade in the country with the largest selection of classic games in the world!.” Yes, we’re in for an afternoon of unbridled geek-on-classic-videogame action. In that sense, maybe this trip is ‘historical’, at least as far as arcade entertainment history goes. If our eyes start buggin’ out, maybe we’ll mix it up with some mini-golf, bowling, or even some go-kart mania.
Here’s the “official” BostonWEF invitation…
Join the Boston World Explorers Foundation this Saturday, Oct. 18, for an expedition to Funspot in Weirs, New Hampshire. The second-largest arcade in the country, Funspot — “the spot for fun” — claims the largest collection of classic video games in the world.
We’ll gather at 9 a.m. Saturday for the drive north — supposedly 1.5-2 hours — in the parking lot of the Greek Orthodox Church on Magazine Street in Central Square, Cambridge.
If you want to come, you need to RSVP to me by Friday morning. And if you can _drive_, please let me know if you’re willing to help chauffeur– and how many explorers you can take in your car. We’ll be making sure that everyone has a ride if they need one. We’ll be returning to the Boston area as members’ needs require.
Explorers will be responsible for their own rolls of quarters, dollar bills, and other funding sources for their gameplay. Our grant application fell through, and the Foundation will not be able to subsidize this endeavor. Apologies extended.
As ever, yours,
Boston World Explorers Foundation
Does the mere thought of this make the teenager in you giddy? Are you on the fence about coming along? Well, take a look at this list. Scramble, Ikari Warriors, Tutankham, Battlezone, Track & Field, cockpit-style Star Wars, Rally-X, Contra, Marble Madness… just to name a few. The original, fully functional arcade machines. Come along, get your game on, and make sure you wear pants with big pockets for tons of tokens.
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