Point Your Thumb To The Sky
Posted on April 22, 2005 at 2:43 pm | No Comments
This is gonna be a quick one, as the clock’s ticking towards quittin’ time…

The third annual Independent Film Festival of Boston kicked off last night with a way-sold-out screening of the new Steve Buscemi-directed film ‘Lonesome Jim‘. Mr. Pink himself was in attendance, along with writer James Strouse and producer Galt Niederhoffer, answering questions from the audience afterwards…
More photos if you click that one. I’d write more about the film itself (loved it) and the Q&A, but like I said, I’m runnin’ outta time before the weekend begins…
Tonight brings local guy (and hilarious Daily Show correspondent) Rob Corddry back to town for a screening of Blackballed: The Bobby Dukes Story, a ‘paintball mockumentary’. We didn’t get tickets to this one, but we’ll be waiting in the ‘rush’ line in hopes that we’ll squeeze into some empty seats. Tomorrow will be easier, as we lucked out with last minute tix to Same Sex America, the documentary I’ve mentioned before that’s showing at the MFA. Really looking forward to that one, too. I may take in the Sunday showing of the Jeff Buckley documentary, but that depends on how cinematically burnt out I am…

My desire to spread this news has trumped my slight urge to keep it quiet: Tickets for Dinosaur Jr.’s July 15th Boston reunion show go on sale Friday morning, May 6th, at 10am through here at NOON TODAY, 4/26, here. I’ll be sitting in my cube with my finger on the mouse button, you bet yer bippy (I don’t even know what that means).

And tickets for the upcoming Lucksmiths / Ladybug Transistor show are not going on sale anytime soon. Nope, there’ll be no advance ticket sales, so I’m thinkin’ the line outside PA’s Lounge in Somerville’s Union Square will be mighty long indeed on May 7th. I’ll be there early, coming straight from a pre-show party we’re havin’. If you’re a friend and wanna come by, just ask.

Heads up, Boston area admirers of stellar solo songsters…
1353 Cambridge Street, Inman Square
Cambridge, Massachusetts
All Ages! / Doors @ 8:00 / $6.00 donation
It was a short-notice scheduling, so help spread the word on this one if you can. More details can be found here, and make sure you check out some of Drew’s stuff over at his MySpace page.

The more alert (or more bored?) among you may have noticed that I upgraded my Flickr photo account to a ‘Pro’ one last week, and was almost immediately rewarded with a free doubling of my subscription (from 2 to 4 years), an doubled monthly upload limit, and two complimentary Pro accounts to give to friends (already gifted, though, sorry). As if I didn’t already love Flickr enough, they go and get cooler.
Netflix also went and got neater by revamping their Friends pages, allowing you to check out what DVDs your pals have at home, and what’s in their rental queue. Not quite as cool as free upgrades, but hey, I’ll take it. And as I said before, if you do the Netflix thing and don’t mind sharing your info, let me know your email in the comments before so I can add ya to my friendly list.

Another upcoming Fabchannel.com live concert alert: They’ll be streaming a full set from The Dears on May 7th, so get bookmarking.

Suicide Squeeze Records has started selling the upcoming Headphones debut a bit early. It’s not out until May 10th, but you can order at their site and get it sooner. Haven’t heard of the Headphones? It’s David Bazan (Pedro the Lion), Tim Walsh (Pedro the Lion, TW Walsh), and Frank Lenz (Starflyer 59), and a complete lack of guitars. Yup, just live drums and electronics. My copy is ordered, but I’ve still gotta grab tickets to their TTs show on May 19th.

I am nearly drooling over this Complete Calvin & Hobbes hardcover collection. Wow. I’m so going to own that when it comes out in October. Hmmmm… my birthday is early November… hmmmm… (thanks for the tip, falfa)

Here, go ahead and Get Arrested. No, seriously, visit that site and help support the renewal of Arrested Development, the best f’in comedy on TV. Ain’t that right, Franklin?

On the music-making-friends front…
Looks like Rykodisc is finally releasing ‘Our Most Beloved‘, a cd/dvd collection of James Kochalka Superstar songs, although you wouldn’t know it from Ryko’s own freakin’ website. Word is that it’s out on May 10th, and includes 25 tracks and 5 videos. Why no promo, Ryko? Couple new videos for you to take a look at: Colin Clary & the Magogs ‘The Shape Of This Town‘ and a clip for ‘From a Parked Car‘ from My First Days On Junk. Both were put together by Black and Blue Productions. It’s pretty weird sittin’ here in my cube, watching my friends do silly dances on my computer screen. But weird in a good way. Keep an eye on the ‘Nac next week, when I’ll be giving away a couple of very cool specially-designed Summer At Shatter Creek posters from their recent in-store appearance at Fingerprints Music in Long Beach, CA. One of ’em is autographed by SASC’s Craig and Emmy, too. Speaking of them, their new album ‘All The Answers’, is out at radio stations, so call your favorite one and get requestin’ if you want to hear some. (Oh, the Fingerprints site also has that exclusive live Rilo Kiley disc… I’m all over that.)

Looking ahead a little… a free preview screening of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on Tuesday night, followed by that Drew & Chris show at the Zeitgeist, and then the Wedding Present returns to Boston on Thursday. Three things to help the work week go down that much smoother.
Even further ahead… Mary Timony’s return to Boston is already booked: a June 24th show back at TTs, this time with Medications, fronted by Devin Ocampo. Nice. The next day brings Eisley to town for a headlining gig, also at TTs.

Stop on back Monday, when it looks like I’ll be offering up some old live Softies songs for ya…
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