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the also-rans

show diary

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the tenth show

rock show #10

saturday, february 2nd, 2002
at the king street house
in burlington, vermont


horrorshow, shortwave, & colin clary.


contradictable, glass jaw, resignation letter,
chapter 3, bright side, scene before the scene


b.y.o.beverages resulted in a mixed bag of miller light and long trail.  but it all ended up tasting like smoke.  chris almost bought a 40 oz. Bull Ice, but cooler heads prevailed.


a return to burlington for former residents chris, denny,and brad... and we were welcomed by 7 degree weather.  so cold.  the king street house hasn't changed all that much... still looks like a bunch of musicians live there.  we play a solid set despite too much unintended inhalation, near- hospitalization, and inebriation.  we even got gas money for the rental van (which smelled like spilt bong water... but we swear, it was NOT us!).

quote of    
the night    

random drunk street-guy:
you need a singer with BALLS!  trust me!"
click here for live photos from this show

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