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the also-rans

show diary

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the eleventh 'show

rock show #11

tuesday, march 19th, 2002
live on the pipeline radio program
at wmbr, MIT campus, in cambridge, mass.


our host, mr. bob dubrow


aggregate, contradictable, resignation letter,
glass jaw, chapter three, new song, the bright
side, the scene before the scene


beer in at the campus bar was super cheap, but
we couldn't figure out if hanging with all the MIT
students made us feel smarter or, uh, stupider.


well, we pulled it off.  the pre-set wait was painful,
but the nerves gave way to a well-played set and
a pretty good sound mix.  thanks to bob dubrow
for asking us to play, and to the guys who helped
out with the mixing.  

quote of    
the night    

bob dubrow:  "so what you're saying is that you
actually admire and respect your brother?  well...
that wasn't what I was looking for at all."
click here for live photos from this show

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